Wright Line By Alexzander Downs Noopur Srivastava Amit Chaturvedi Amit Jhawar Yi-fang Lin
Outline Company and Products Customers Materials Management Process Management Challenges Our Tour Recommendations
Company and Products Wright Line is a global leader in the design and manufacture of technical furniture and enclosure systems.
Customers of Wright Line The US Government Customer service offices and calling centers Universities Hospitals Food Chains
Materials Management Instruction card Kanban reorder inventory
Takt Time
MANAGEMENT CHALLENGES 12 Major product lines utilizing same Equipment Bottlenecks Skilled Labor Painting Welding CAD laser cutting/punching Forecasting
Production Process Sheet Metal Coiled Metal Unbend the Steel Cut Tap Drill Bend to shape Weld PrimePaint WIP Assemble Wrap and Package Ship
Our Tour
Raw Steel
Production Process Sheet Metal Coiled Metal Unbend the Steel Cut Tap Drill Bend to shape Weld PrimePaint WIP Assemble Wrap and Package Ship
Bending Metal to Make Brackets
Production Process Sheet Metal Coiled Metal Unbend the Steel Cut Tap Drill Bend to shape Weld PrimePaint WIP Assemble Wrap and Package Ship
Electrostatic Powder Painting
Production Process Sheet Metal Coiled Metal Unbend the Steel Cut Tap Drill Bend to shape Weld PrimePaint WIP Assemble Wrap and Package Ship
The Wood Shop
Production Process Sheet Metal Coiled Metal Unbend the Steel Cut Tap Drill Bend to shape Weld PrimePaint WIP Assemble Wrap and Package Ship
Wrapping and Packaging
Production Process Sheet Metal Coiled Metal Unbend the Steel Cut Tap Drill Bend to shape Weld PrimePaint WIP Assemble Wrap and Package Ship
Recommendations Increase Customer Satisfaction –Servqual Decrease Waste –VA/VE Decrease (Kickbacks) External Failure –Integrate MIS to the shop floor VOC into the organization –House of Quality