Perseverance Of The Saints
A child of God cannot so sin as to lose his soul eternally TOTAL DEPRAVITY John Calvin 1509 - 1564 UNCONDITIONAL ELECTION LIMITED ATONEMENT IRRESISTABLE GRACE PERSEVERANCE OF THE SAINTS A child of God cannot so sin as to lose his soul eternally
Arminius 1564 - 1609 Netherlands: 1600 and afterwards, group influenced by Arminius taught that saints can be a “real saint” be “regenerated” and still “fall from grace”. This was considered a heresy at the time.
John Wesley 1703 - 1791 God is the Father of them that believe, so long as they believe; but the devil is the father of them that believe not, whether they did once believe or no.
Definitions According to the Word, a saint is one who is both separate and separated. A saint is one chosen by the living God from all eternity through Jesus Christ our Lord. He was no better than others, but is lifted out of that miry clay of sin and death. He is regenerated, called, converted, so that now he lives in conscious union with his Lord Jesus Christ. He is separated then from this world, and is made righteous and holy. That is a saint. I do not say he is a man without sin; I do say that he is a saint for Jesus' sake. And we confess that we are numbered among those saints.
Definitions Perseverance: After being elevated to a state of holiness and righteousness by the Holy spirit, one will continue in that state preserved by God and cannot fall because the perseverance and preservation of the saint relies on the work and grace of God and not on personal actions. There are dangers and threats in the form of temptation and worldly influences but God preserves the elect for His own sake to demonstrate His power and goodness.
One always perseveres because he is preserved by the living God -- and there is no other possible reason for perseverance. … The saint can not fall because his preservation rests not on his own act, but on the power of the almighty God.
Arguments For 1 John 3.9 – He cannot sin 1 John 2.29 – Born of him Eph 1.13-14 – Sealed Rom 8.38-39 – Separate us from love of God
Problems 1 Cor 10.12 – Take heed Gal 5.3-4 – Fallen from grace Gal 6.1 – Overtaken in a fault Gal 1.6 – Removed from him that called Heb 6.4-6 – If they shall fall away 2 Pet 2.20-22 – Entangled therein Luke 8.13-14 – No root
Examples Act 5.1-5 – Ananias Acts 8.18-23 – Simon 2 Tim 4.10 – Demas 1 Cor 9.26-27 – Should be a castaway
Assurance 2 Pet 1.10 – Ye shall never fall 1 John 1.9-10 – Faithful & just to forgive