PERFORMANCE REVIEW PERFORMANCE REVIEW Name of Company & Year of Incorporation 2Products / activity 3 Number of Employees (including temporary/contract) a. Sr. Executives / Executives/supervisors b. Staff /workers Total 4Paid up Capital (Rs. lakhs) 5Accumulated Losses (Rs. lakhs) 6Net Worth (Rs. lakhs) 7Fixed Asset Gross Block (Rs. lakhs) 8Statutory Audit Completed till Year Data as on 31/03/07 (Manufacturing Units)
Particulars Production Turnover Net profit/loss (NPL) Sales Tax paid Excise Duty paid Sundry Creditors Sundry Debtors OTHER KEY FINANCIAL PARAMETERS Rs. in lakhs Long Term Loans (as on )` PrincipalInterest / Penal charges aGovernment bFIs / Banks cOthers Statutory liabilities aPF bESI Particulars Assistance from Government Assistance from FIs OTS made by Government till date Interest waiver by Banks till date Concessions Enjoyed Rs. in lakhs
Budget forActualBudget for (Quick estimates) a) Sales (without Taxes and Duty) b) Increase/(Decrease) in Stock c) Value of Production (a+b) d) Variable Expenses i) Raw-material cost ii) Power & fuel iii) All other variable cost e) Fixed Expenses i) Employee Cost ii) All Other fixed Expenses f) Total Cost (d+e) g) Profit Before INT.DEPR.&Taxes (c-f) h) Financial Charges on i) Long term Loans ii) Working Capital Loan i) Profit Before DEPR. &Taxes (g-h) j) Other Income k) Cash Profit/Loss (i+j) l) Depreciation m) Net Profit/Loss (k-l) (PBT) Performance during and budget for in Rs. lakhs
PLANS FOR THE FUTURE Sl. No Product Line Existing Capacity (Unit : __________) Proposed Capacity (Unit :______________) DPR Prepared (Y/N) Sl.NoProduct Name Planned Capacity (Unit :___________________) DPR Prepared (Y/N) For Expansion For Diversification Additional manpower required for expansion _________ nos Additional manpower required for diversification _________ nos Cost of Project : Rs. _________ lakhsBank Support expected : Rs. _________ lakhs Cost of Project : Rs. _________ lakhsBank Support expected : Rs. _________ lakhs
STEPS INITIATED / PROPOSED Sl.NoArea Steps Planned Outcome 1 Energy Audit 2 Export Market 3Tapping GOI Assistance 4Technology upgradation 5Professionalisation 6Consolidation through mergers 7 IT enabled Corporate Governance 8Others a. b.
Guarantee Commission paid to Govt - Guarantee Commission Arrears to be paid Statutory Arrears Dividend paid OTHER PARTICULARS