September 11th, 2018 : Interest Meeting RVHS Key Club September 11th, 2018 : Interest Meeting Please be sure to pick up a membership information form (form AND a google form) and a semester hours log
Key Club Pledge “ I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; to build my home school and community; to serve my nation and God; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.”
Meet the officers! Presidents: Isabelle Kahng and Allison Kopac Vice President: Lauren Crapo Treasurer: Jessica Kachadorian Editor: Bella Pham Web Master: Campbell Berg Secretary: Rachel Fuller Senior Representative: Caroline Maller Junior Representative: Ali Khajavi Sophomore Representative: TBD Freshman Representative: Olivia Sisti
What is Key Club? Key Club is an international student-led organization which provides its members with opportunities to provide service, build character, and develop leadership. Our goal is to be a place for students to come when they need ideas on how to better their community and inspire service within the school Members of Key Club should truly enjoy volunteering and have the desire to further help their community.
Requirements 40 hours of service per year (10 hours per quarter) Participation in Key Club sponsored Activities & inspire others to serve Pancake Breakfasts Holiday activities Breakfast with Santa? Please let us know if you have ANY ideas for club sponsored activities. We want you to be active members in the club and we are always open to suggestions, just ask!
Expectations You should be in Key Club for more than just “hours” or “ just to put it on your application” Key Club members should enjoy finding new opportunities and giving back to the community Don’t “stop” at 40 hours We need members who are going to invite others to help us give back and serve the community We are a team that represents Riverside AND Key Club International Speak up, follow through, take initiative, and be responsible for communicating Most importantly, HAVE FUN!
Key Leader 9th-11th of November Leadership Conference It’s in Haymarket (the most local one they’ve had in a few years – it is overnight though) and we cannot guarantee transportation although the division is trying to pull schools together to get transportation offered Opportunity for team building & fun events like rope courses $150 for key club members / $175 for any student if you want to go with friends!
Fall Rally Members of the Capital District will be heading to Kings Dominion for Fall Rally on October 13th This is our homecoming but maybe you aren’t planning on going and want a fun activity to go to. Your non-key club friends or family are welcome to go as well! This link is the page with the google form to sign up $40 for individual or only $5 if you have a season pass
DCON! Key Club district convention in Baltimore, MD March 2nd to 4th Theme: Island Paradise Guest speakers, leadership conference, awards, dance, etc.
How to be in the know! Remind: @rvhkeyclub (club fair remind was WRONG) Key Club website (riverside home page- activities- Key Club) Emails and Newsletters Come to Meetings!! Planned 2018-2019 Dates: 9/25 10/30 11/20 12/11 1/29 2/26 3/26 4/23 5/28 We will remind text before each meeting to let you know if Auditorium or Mrs. P’s room 1504
Forms & Details –You Decided to Join?! Please Return your form at the first Club Meeting on 9/25 in the Auditorium, this is the physical form with your money Membership $15 dues T-shirts will be available for additional purchase- design TBD after our first meeting! This google form is required by all members (in addition to the physical one that you will hand in with your dues)