A Separate Peace ELA 3201 Novel Study By John Knowles Nothing endures, not a tree, not love, not even a death by violence.”
Setting Devon School in New Hampshire The central story begins less than a year after December 7, 1941, the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, in Hawaii.
A Separate Peace War is in the background of this “bubble” – it affects the boys, but not directly Main characters are juniors. They attend an elite private boarding school.
Main Themes Loss of Innocence. The plot is dominated by Gene’s progression toward maturity. The relationship between war and peace. The backdrop of the war plays a vital role in the novel. The nature of friendship (tie in loyalty, envy, jealousy, etc….) The relationship between Gene and Finny is the novel’s focus. People’s ability to change. Is change really possible? - The recognition of one’s true nature - How understanding conflict within oneself is part of growing up - The acceptance of responsibility for our behaviors
Historical Context World War II Began in 1939 when the Germans invaded Poland, and officially ended in August 1945, when the Japanese surrendered. A Separate Peace takes place during the summer of 1942, directly in the center of World War II. In America: In order to cope with the war, America instituted rations on books, sugar, coffee, and other goods. To conserve gasoline, a national 35 MPH speed limit was implemented, and driving for pleasure was banned. Most young men were drafted into the war effort at the age of 17 By the summer of 1942, many Americans realized that the war was far from over.
Gene – Chapter 1 -Feels like school “blinked out like a candle after he left” p.10 -Talks about how he has escaped from living in fear in his Devon days (grows up) p.10 - 2 “fearful sites.” Gene is deeply affected by these places. p. 11 & 13 -Sarcastic. “That was my sarcastic summer” p. 15 -First time Gene seems resentful of Finny. “Naturally Finny was going to be…” p. 15 -During his first jump, Gene is numb. Goes into a state of shock due to his fear. P. 17.
Gene – Chapter 1 - Wonders if Finny has a “hold over him” p. 16 -worries about being late, not a fan of rule breaking. “we’d better hurry or we’ll be late” p. 18. -First sign that Gene is studious. Boys reading together p.20. -Moment of rebellion, “resented the bell” when they were late for dinner because he was having fun. P. 19
Finny -- Chapter 1 -Voice like a “hypnotist’s eyes” p. 14 -First to suggest they jump out of the tree. Brave, Daring, Crazy. P. 14. -Physical - Not overly built, 5”81/2, 150lbs p. 16 -Confident, sure of himself. Not ashamed of being short. “were on the short side” p. 16 -Takes responsibility for Gene’s jump. “oh yes I did…” p. 18. -Calm, collected & graceful. “just walked serenely on, or rather flowed on” p. 18.
Finny – Chapter 1 -Mischievous – trips Gene. “his right foot flashed into the middle of my fast walk…” p. 19 -doesn’t wear pajamas because had “heard they were unmilitary” Attempt at patriotism. p. 20.
Leper Lepellier – Ch. 1 -Leper is introduced: Elwin—Leper—Lepellier p. 17. -Introduces the aspect of competition. “I think that was better than Finny's” p. 17 -non confrontational. “he didn’t argue or refuse.” P. 17 -is already 17, draft-able. p, 22 Similar to Bobby and Chet, afraid to jump
Mr. Prud’homme - lenient, because it’s summer. Also recognizes that many of the boys will be drafted into war the following year p. 23 - falls for Finny’s charms which is a catalyst for Gene’s growing conflict. p. 22-23
Mr. Patch-Withers (The Dean) -House is detached from the student body. He is distant. “would probably live entirely encased in a house of glass” p. 12 -The real Dean is away “doing something for the Government” p. 19-20. Also uninvolved. -The “sternest of the summer Masters” p. 25
Internal Conflict -Gene notices he is so easily swayed by Finny’s persuasive nature. P. 14-15
External/Interpersonal Conflict -Finny tries to get all the boys to jump, but Bobby, Chet & Leper refuse. P. 17. - Gene mentions the war draft. In the back of many of the boy’s minds
Theme -- Competition -Finny dares Gene (and the others) to jump from tree. P. 16-17 -Leper says Gene jumped better than Finny igniting the competition. p. 17. -Finny takes responsibility for Genes jump, Gene is Offended. “I never backed away from anything in my life” p. 18 -Finny trips Gene and a wrestling match ensues. P. 19
Theme -- Friendship -Finny approves of Gene’s jump. “We were the best of friends in that moment” p. 18
Theme – Growing Up School “blinked out like a candle” when Gene left. P. 10. -Gene “looks back” and realizes he has overcome the fear he used to live in. p. 10 -Tree seems much smaller now. Going back to a childhood place you see how much you’ve changed like the “giants of your Childhood, whom you encounter years later…” p. 14
Symbol – The Tree -In 1942-3: The tree is described as an “irate, steely black steeple” p 14 -It has a “soaring black trunk” p.15. Tree sounds much more significant. -A symbol for the excitement, rebellion and challenges that would come.
The Tree – Present Day -In present day, described as a “fearful site” p. 11 -“It had loomed in my memory like a huge lone spike” p. 13 but now it looks like all the rest. Gene is almost offended that nature has not paid it the respect it deserves. -It was stripped by the cold, looked “weary from age, feeble, dry” p 14 -Symbol of everything that happened “that summer”. Symbol of change.
Gene – Chapter 2 -Gene is jealous of Finny’s ability to talk his way out of trouble. “I couldn’t help envying him” p. 25 -Very particular. Notices minute details about Finny’s appearance. Ears “fairly small and set close to his head” p. 26 -Gets excited at the prospect that Finny may finally get in trouble. P. 27 -Sarcastic. Gene used sarcasm to say what he really thinks about Finny talking too much. Passive Aggressive behavior, enables him to act “tough”. P 29 -Realizes that Finny saves his life when he stops him from falling. P. 32
Finny – Chapter 2 -Finny is charismatic. He explains their way out of trouble for being late. P. 20-21 - Likes new and exciting things. He would have liked punishment if it was in a “novel and unknown way” p, 22 -Likes challenging people. Once they were out of trouble, he then confesses the real reason they were late—which was a worse infraction. P. 22 -Naturally confuses people by saying whatever goes through his head, whether is makes sense to them or not. P. 23. -Confident. Finny is not offended that people may think he is a “fairy.” Instead, he is curious to know. p. 25
Finny – Chapter 2 -Uses his charisma to get out of trouble with the dean for wearing a pink shirt and a school tie as a belt. P 28 -Skeptical about whether the allies really bombed Europe. P. 29 -Comes up with the idea to form a secret society. P. 31
Mr. Patch-Withers (The Dean) -The “sternest of the summer Masters” p. 25 -House is not welcoming. The tea visit seems mostly for show. P. 27 This is reflected in how uncomfortable the boys are while in attendance
Internal Conflict – Ch. 2 -Gene is disappointed when Finny does not get in trouble with the headmaster, because he wanted more excitement, “that must have been it” P. 28 “This time he wasn’t going to get away with it. I could feel myself becoming unexpectedly excited at that” p. 27
Theme -- Competition -Tension about whether Gene is still afraid to jump. Challenge each other. P. 31 Society naming: Gene and Finny “one-upping” each other for the best name. p. 31 – ‘The Super Suicide Society of the Summer Session’
Theme -- Jealousy -The older men wish they could be part of the war; they are envious of the boys’ youth and opportunities.p. 24 Gene is jealous of Finny’s ability to talk his way out of trouble. “I couldn’t help envying him” p. 25 “He had gotten away with everything. I felt a sudden stab of disappointment” p. 28
Theme -- Friendship -Gene and Finny share clothes p. 25 -Gene thinks of Finny as “my best friend,” and that it is a compliment to him that Finny has chosen him as a best friend. P. 28-29 Trust—when Gene almost falls and Finny catches him his “panic immediately disappeared” p. 31
Theme - Loyalty -The formation of the “Super Suicide Society of Summer Session” shows loyalty between all the boys. They are expected to participate in order to be in the club. p. 31
Theme – Growing Up -As an adult, Gene realizes that sarcasm is “the protest of people who are weak.” He used sarcasm to say what he really felt. P. 29
Gene – Chapter 3 -Resentful. Doesn’t want to owe Finny for saving his life. P.33 -Is shocked and becomes physically ill from his confusion about Finny and the swim record. P.45 Shows the darkness in his heart when stating “his accomplishment took root in my mind and grew rapidly in the darkness where I was forced to hide it” (p. 44)
Finny – Chapter 3 -Likes breaking rules and making up his own p.35 -holds such power over everyone, when he throws away the birdie (badmington) it’s like the whole sport is gone p. 36 -his decisions are infectious as if the world changes with them. The other boys sensed he was up to something p. 37 -blitzball- chaos, makes up random rules p.37-38 -“never tired…never restless” p. 39 -Breaks swimming record and wants Gene to keep quiet p. 43-4
Internal Conflict -Gene is subject to “the dictates of his mind” p. 34 -Gene wrestles with the possible reasons why Finny wants to keep record a secret p.44-45 Starts to confront his personal demons/insecurities/the darkness of his heart – parallels with Macbeth? LOTF?
Theme -- Jealousy -Finny jokingly acts jealous about people staring at Gene’s tan p. 47- 48 (helps to show how one character/theme develops another)
Theme -- Competition -Gene thinks finny has an edge on him since he saved his life p.33 -Gene always jumps so he won’t “loose face” with Finny. p. 34 -Finny says “you (collectively) always win at sports.” Not being competitive, genuinely likes sports. P.35 -Finny accepts Lepers idea for a blitzball rule but not Gene’s p.38 -“since we’re all enemies, we can and will turn on each Other all the time” p. 39 foreshadowing? “and there were few relationships at Devon not based on rivalry” p. 45 -Gene compares himself to Finny’s physical abilities. P.45
Theme -- Friendship When Finny believes (genuinely) that people are looking at Gene, not himself “Everybody’s staring at you” and not realizing his own allure/appeal -Finny tells Gene he is his “best pal” which was a “courageous thing to say” p. 48 -Gene does not say it back, due to a gut feeling that it isn’t true for him. P. 48
Theme -- Loyalty When Finny breaks the swimming record: “It was an insult to the class (that no one had beaten the record previously) and Finny had tremendous loyalty to the class, as he did to any group he belonged to…” p. 42 Finny to Gene “the proper person is your best pal…which is what you are” p. 48
Gene – Chapter 4 -Gene is less persuaded by Finny’s charms and does not go swimming again at the beach p. 50 -Gene perceives Finny as being jealous of his grades.p. 52 -keeps attending society meetings so everything “seems normal”. P.56 -Gene “jounces the limb” and Finny falls out of the tree onto the riverbank! P. 60 -Once he sees Finny have his first “clumsy” actionhe doesn’t feel intimidated anymore p.60
Finny – Chapter 4 -Finny thinks academics come naturally to Gene, like sports to to him p. 58 “Why didn’t you say you had to study before”. Reaffirms Finny’s innocence and purity of character. -Before he falls he looks at Gene with “extreme interest” Did he know he did it on purpose? P.60
Leper – Chapter 4 -considered a coward p. 57 “I didn’t believe it. Leper Lepellier would go down paralyzed with panic on any sinking troopship before making such a jump” *Foreshadowing* Called “lily-liver Lepellier” by Gene when he becomes angered
Theme -- Jealousy -Gene thinks Finny is jealous of his grades p. 51 -Finny sarcastically says “I’d kill myself out of jealous envy” p. 52 But Gene thinks he is serious. -Gene realizes Finny is Genuine and the rivalry is in his head p. 45 and 59
Theme – Competition -someone’s got to be head of the class” p, 51 Gene wants the top spot. -Finny says “ we would be even” if Gene was the top academic and he was the top athlete. P. 52 -Gene’s academic competition with Chet heats up. P. 54 He feels that Chet’s genuine enjoyment of learning is a weakness, which also shows that Gene does NOT have a love of learning. -Gene think Finny is studying harder. Perceived competition p.55
Theme -- Friendship -Genes feelings of friendship are “in ruins” and he thinks he has no one to trust p. 53 When Finny realizes that Gene needs to study, he immediately relents and encourages his “friend” to stay back and work on improving his marks (p. 58/59) “…pal, you’re going to study” (p. 58)
Theme – Darkness of Man’s Heart Concludes their friendship was a farce by Finny. In fact, it was “cold trickery, it was all calculated, it was all enmity” p. 53 Gene is so preoccupied with this perception, he begins to rationalize all aspects of their sudden “rivalry” p. 55 “Jounces” the limb and lets Finny fall p. 61
Internal Conflict -Gene is conflicted about whether or not Finny is jealous of him trying for top of the class p. 52. -Gene thinks that Finny tried to wreck his studies on purpose p.53 -“The deadly rivalry was on both sides after all” p. 54. This conflict is all in Gene’s head. -Tries to convince himself that Finny is as low as he is. P.56 Finny shatters this illusion when he recognizes Gene needs to study and insists he does so. This deeply impacts Gene
Internal Conflict Gene refuses to recognize his own feelings of insecurity and jealousy as his real enemy. This subconscious denial begins to lead to the downfall of his friendship with Finny. Gene dealt with this inner conflict by projecting his fears onto Phineas, his closest friend. "He [Finny] had never been jealous of me for a second. Now I knew that there never was and never could have been any rivalry between us. I was not of the same quality as he" (59).
Interpersonal Conflict -Gene and Finn have their first real argument out loud (p. 57) over Gene’s studying vs. going to watch Leper jump from the tree The resolution of this conflict, however, brings about a deeper understanding in Gene about Finny: “He didn’t yet know that he was unique” p. 58 “I was not the same quality as he. I couldn’t stand this”. (p. 59)
Symbol – The Grey Sunrise -The sun rising like a “strange gray thing” after the night at the beach is a symbol of Gene’s growing negative feelings towards his friendship with Finny. P.49 The darkness of Gene’s inner turmoil