Preparing for College and Careers Work Permits Preparing for College and Careers
Who says you need a work permit? Indiana Labor Laws
What ages are required to have a work permit? Ages 14 to 17
Who has the right to deny or revoke a work permit based on the previously states criteria? The school
Where can you get a work permit? The Walker Career Center office
If you would like your work permit the same day what time do you need to turn it in by? By 9 am.
Who needs to sign the intent to employ form? Your employer, you, and a parent or legal guardian.
If you are under the age of 18 how many jobs can you have at one time? In 2006, the Child Labor laws were changed to allow a minor to hold more than one work permit as long as his/her employment does not extend past the work hour restrictions for his/her age. 1 or 2 work permits 8/hr day 30 hrs/week
Work Permit Policy & Procedures STEP 1 Student picks up intention to employ, and work permit verification card from Walker Career Center. STEP 2 Student reports to Warren Central High School Student Services Office or Home School for verification of grades and attendance. STEP 3 Student is approved, denied, or placed on probationary status by their respective school. If denied, the student’s parents/legal guardians may appeal the decision by making an appointment with the school administrator or counselor designated to approve work permits. STEP 4 Verification form is brought back to the Walker Career Center along with the intent to employ card, signed by the employer and parent
Verification Criteria Grades: Passing five classes Attendance: Good standing Discipline: No suspensions Revocation of work permit may occur per administrator request after review of grades, attendance and/or behavior.