Seaweed !
What is seaweed? Multicellular algae Kingdom Protista Primary producers chlorophyll to transform light energy from the sun into chemical energy
Observe seaweed and land plant… what are differences. Similarities Observe seaweed and land plant… what are differences? Similarities? (use a Venn Diagram)
How are seaweeds different from plants?
Differences Land Plants Seaweed Roots YES No roots, holdfasts Nutrients From roots Through cells, surrounding water Support Vascular System Hydrostatic Water Fresh Salt
How would you classify seaweed?
Did you know…. There are 3 main types of seaweed? Chlorophyta (Green algae) Phaeophyta (Brown algae) Rhodophyta (Red algae)
Green algae (Chlorophyta) Pigments: Chlorophyll Fresh water, Brackish water, and coastal waters Only 10% of 6-7000 species are marine Ulva
Examples of Chlorophyta Halimeda Calcareous green algae helps in coral reef growth.
Examples of Chlorophyta Neomeris Cladophoropsis
Brown Algae (Phaeophyta) Pigment: chlorophyll AND additional colors to make it brown Dominate colder region coastlines Size: small and delicate to large and thick Kelp
Examples of Phaeophyta Laurencia Sargassum Padina Dictyoda
Examples of Phaeophyta (Kelp) Laminaria How tall would you be if you grew 20 inches per day? Macrocystis Nereocystis
Red algae (Rhodophyta) Pigments: chlorophyll AND red or blue Dominant algae in the tropics, grow in all oceans Deepest depths Red > Green + Brown Pterocladia
Examples of Rhodophyta Liagora Galaxaura
Examples of Rhodophyta Gracilaria (Ogo)
Examples of Rhodophyta What type of marine animal does this look like? Encrusting Branching Coralline
And even more examples! Amansia Chondrus - Irish Moss Would you consider boiling one of these to make pudding? Botryocladia
Invasive Seaweed
Uses of Seaweed How do you think people use seaweed?