Welcome & Charge for the Meeting Spectroscopy STAP Meeting ESS, 25th of September 2018 Ken Andersen, Neutron Instruments Division, European Spallation Source ERIC
Welcome! We are now on a regular schedule 2 STAP meetings per year, synchronised with SAC meetings Reporting to SAC meeting Spring: short video meeting Autumn: longer physical meeting
Purpose and Remit of Instrument STAPs Scientific and Technical Advisory Panels one per instrument class STAP: instrument advisory body science case and functional requirements all aspects which impact on scientific output of instrument (not just instrument project) technical and project decisions early science Advice to both NSS management and instrument teams collaborative & non-adversarial setting NSS management & instrument teams take advice constructively allows NSS management & instrument teams to make good, informed decisions Each STAP meeting results in written recommendations followed up in subsequent meeting(s) presented at following SAC meeting
What has happened since last time Schedule rebaselining Project funding Partner countries committed to finding missing funding Common shielding project Bunker project CDR in October 13 instruments passed TG2 so far TAs are progressing slowly ESS-ILL user meeting 10-12/10/2018
Rebaseline schedule for NBI. Installation (TG4 –> TG5) (V4 Rebaseline schedule for NBI* Installation (TG4 –> TG5) (V4.0, 11th May 2018) from Installation workshop with teams building first 8 Instruments (8th May) NSS access to E01 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Start User Program (3NBI*) Beam on Target NSS access to D01 NSS access to D03 8 NBI* in User Program Cave installation & fitout OOB Guides & shielding In bunker installation Cold commissioning NSS access to E02/2 Float for R-BOT: TBL ~ 21 weeks BEER ~ 7 weeks CSPEC & BIFROST ~ 4 weeks MAGIC & ESTIA ~ 1 week NSS has no float for R-SOUP, but does have 7 - 8 possible candidates Manufacturing on critical path for BEER, C-SPEC, BIFROST & MAGIC, not E01 access. West sector Parallel installation in and out of bunker is assumed for LOKI, ODIN, DREAM & ESTIA. Extra labour & resources are needed North sector East and South sectors * NBI = Neutron Beam Instrument
Rebaseline schedule for Neutron Beam Instruments (V4 Rebaseline schedule for Neutron Beam Instruments (V4.0, 11th May 2018) from Installation workshop with teams building first 8 Instruments (8th May) Preliminary Design Detailed Design Manufacturing & Procurement Installation & Integration Hot Commissioning/Early science Operation West sector North sector East and South sectors Current date First access to NSS bldgs (E01) Start User Program (3NBI*) BOT & start HC of NBI* 8NBI* in User Program Safest instrument choices to be Ready for SOUP in West sector (BEER, CSPEC, BIFROST & MAGIC) & East (ESTIA) Most desirable instrument choices for early science highlights are in the South and North (ODIN, DREAM & LOKI). LOKI seems unlikely to make the deadline Selection of first NBI for SOUP in March 2023 Knock-on delays to NBI: 9 – 15 of ~ 1 yr and 16 – 22 of ~ 1 ½ yr 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 * NBI = Neutron Beam Instrument
Common Shielding Project Phase 1: concept development (mechanical & neutronics), costing and delivery plan – until December 2018 Phase 2: manufacturing and installation at ESS 8 Instruments participating in phase 1: BIFROST, CSPEC, T-REX, VESPA, DREAM, HEIMDAL, MAGIC, ODIN D01/D03 E02
Highlight actions resulting from May SAC meeting Continue organising STAP meetings synchronised with SAC meetings Draft capability gap analysis To guide choice of instruments 16-22 Demonstrate that instrument project plans are aligned with DMSC and SAD project plans Particular focus on delivery during commissioning and early-science phase
Charge for the STAP To what extent is instrument progress consistent with the schedule? To what extent are the instruments on track for delivering early science? To what extent are the plans for technical and scientific hot commissioning suited for delivering early science? To what extent are the instrument project plans aligned with the plans of DMSC and SAD? Comment on and suggest improvements to the capability gap analysis
Thank you! ESS site 2016 5th June 2015