CPW 10th Grade Reading Learning Intentions - Today, we will address these ACT College Readiness Standards in Reading: Main Ideas and Author’s Intent Supporting Details Meanings of Words and Phrases Generalizations and Conclusions Success Criteria – I am successful if I… Identify what the author is trying to do. Identify an important detail. Use context clues to define a word or phrase. Identify an important generalization.
10th Grade Directions ONLY read paragraphs #1 – 7 !!! 5 Minutes of Careful Reading Read the rest of the story later to help build your vocabulary and prepare for the ACT. There will be 4 questions this week. You will have 2 minutes to work on each question individually. You will have 1 minute to work on each question as a group.
#1 What is NOT the author’s goal with paragraph #3? A. Describe the scene to the reader. Introduce the character who is currently in the same room with Trysdale. C. Explaining the reason Trysdale is upset. Give clues about what happened to Trysdale earlier.
#2. In paragraph #6, what is the #2 In paragraph #6, what is the “consolation” that Trysdale knows is false? A. Her sullen exultation The bride looked pale The groom was afraid of him The bride is thinking about him
#3. In paragraph #2, what is the closest #3 In paragraph #2, what is the closest synonym for the word “tentacular”? Arms Wings Hands Fingers
#4 What did we NOT learn about Trysdale in paragraph #5? The reason he is unhappy He is angry with himself The reason why the woman did not marry him The woman he loves was better than him
CPW 10th Grade Reading OK, repeat the questions with your squad members. Discuss and argue with your group members about what the correct answers are. 1 minute per question for Squad Mode. After Squad Mode is complete trade answer sheets and launch the Answer Video.