Fermions from Cold Atoms to Neutron Stars:


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Presentation transcript:

Fermions from Cold Atoms to Neutron Stars: Benchmarking the Many-Body Problem (INT-11-1) March 14 - May 20, 2011 Michael McNeil Forbes, Aurel Bulgac, Alexandros Gezerlis, Gora V. Shlyapnikov, Tin-Lun (Jason) Ho, Martin W. Zwierlein

Pairing in low density fermion systems: Open problems Symmetric (unpolarized) systems What is the size of the Cooper pair? Nature 454, 739-743 (2008) - Is there a pseudo-gap phase? What is the best way to put it in evidence experimentally? - Response of a paired system to a weak external field, RF spectroscopy.

Asymmetric (polarized/imbalanced) systems normal Gapless superfluid LOFF Son and Stephanov, 2005 Bulgac, Forbes, Schwenk, 2006

Going beyond the naïve BCS approximation (P-wave pairing) nb/nf = 2, 1, 0.5 (from upper to lower panel) Eliashberg approx. (blue) BCS approx. (black) Full momentum and frequency dependence of the self-consistent equations (red) Bulgac and Yoon, 2009

LOFF at unitarity Bulgac, Forbes, 2008

Next Frontier - Time-dependent probes