Colonial Society Defining America
Chesapeake Region Unhealthy Tobacco ½ of Va. and Md. residents die before 20 17th Cent. Virginia most populous/ Md. 3rd Tobacco Largest product Indentured Servants (3/4 of Pop.) Headright System
Slavery Causes Bacon’s Rebellion Wages rise in England in 1680’s Royal African Comp. loses monopoly
Slavery 7% of Pop. in 1670 50%-60% of Pop. in 1750 Slave Revolts (NY 1712, Stono 1739) Slave Codes
Slavery in Deep South worse than Chesapeake
Slave Society Speech Music Imported words: Goober/ Voodoo Jazz Banjo/ Bongo
Southern Society Plantation Families Small Farmers Landless Whites: Former Ind. Servants Few cities/ Poor Roads
New England Education Elementary Schools for 50+ families Colleges Harvard 1636 William and Mary 1693
Great Awakening 1730’s-1740’s Jonathan Edwards George Whitefield Faith alone can save George Whitefield New Light Style
Press John Peter Zenger “Libel isn’t libel if its true” Freedom of the Press
Northern P S E Middle Southern