SCHS Celebrates African American History Month
Just be listening to the morning announcements every day and watch Eagle TV on Fridays to find out more. If you would like to answer any of the African American History questions, just send a e-mail to Make sure to put your name and your response in the subject line so you’ll be eligible to win one of our wonderful prizes! just like this
African American History Month Contest Rules To be eligible for any Heritage Month prizes, a correct answer must be received at HistorySCHS@gmail by 3:30pm the day the question was initially delivered. Only one answer per student is allowed for each question. The subject line of the e-mail must have the student’s name and the correct answer in order to be considered valid. Incorrect spelling will not invalidate a response as long as the answer can be properly identified by our judges. Prizes to be awarded are as follows: $50.00 1st prize to the student who correctly answers the most questions during the month. $25.00 2nd prize to the student who correctly answers the 2nd most questions during the month. $25.00 prize will be randomly awarded to a student who sent in a correct answer at least once. In case of a tie, the winner will be decided by a random drawing from all students who are tied.