Understanding Guns, Germs & Steel Brainstorm
With one partner sitting next to you: Write down any factors that you think may have contributed to the Spanish defeating the Incas. Once you have 3-5 possible reasons, underline one that you consider to be the key reason. Write a sentence explaining why you think that is the key reason. Provide supporting reason(s) for that position.
What the author says Do you agree with Diamond, the author, that it was the superiority of the Spanish weapons that allowed them to defeat the Incas? Why or why not? Diamond also mentions the role of writing in contributing to the Spanish success. Explain why writing helped the Spaniards achieve victory.
Your last best argument Think of a situation in which you have wanted something – to have a sleepover; to buy a new game; to go to a concert. Who do you have to convince? Think about how you made your case. Share that with the person you are sitting next to. Well share some from around the class.
Your argument You made your case by adding evidence – you cleaned your room, your grades have been good, you did something nice for your little sister etc. The above evidence supported your argument to get what you were asking for. A thesis for an essay is on the same lines.
Diamonds argument Writing/reading; domesticated animals; steel; guns; experience in warfare all fall under the heading of geography, as part of Diamonds thesis on why the Spaniards could defeat the Incas.
Location of Spain in Europe. Water access, one major set of mountains to the North. Mostly flat, arable. Ideas can travel there easily – from the east, north and south. Farming, writing, technology all absorbed & further developed. The Spanish
The Inca Location of Inca. High mountains. Sea access to the west. No east- west connections. No connections beyond Central America. Ideas can flow north- south only. Inca dominate. Limited contact with other people – hard for new ideas to reach. Society stuck in a certain time: not developing.
Write a thesis Using Diamonds research, write a thesis of words in response to the following question: A thesis is an arguable position which can be supported with evidence.
Why was a relatively small force of Spaniards able to defeat a much more numerous army of Inca? Start off by looking over the reasons Diamond has suggested – geography (you may have to explain what you mean by that); steel, germs etc. Remember, you are making an argument. Each argument can be different from the next and be equally acceptable.
Next paragraph Once you have written your opening statement containing your argument, your next paragraph should expand upon the key ideas you have set down. For example: if your key ideas were advanced weaponry your next paragraph should explain what you mean by this and how it helped in the Spanish victory.
What would you do? Taking into account that the Incas had a certain curiosity about the strange men riding animals, what might you have advised Atahualpa, the Inca leader, after that first encounter in which Pizarro did not dismount from his horse?