Vocabulary Unit #2
the murder of one person by another
A piece of burning wood
firebrand Do you know the other definition?
new businesses in the community
A person who starts up and takes on the risks of a business; an impresario
risk, peril, danger
These signs are telling you NOT to do something
to persuade you NOT to do something
to strike successively; to throw a stream of things
This person has a very evil disease.
The other definition of “plague”: To vex or annoy
to supply food and service
Do you know the other definitions for “cater”?
This soldier returned from the war uninjured.
not injured, completely unharmed
The White House Capitol Building The President
a government in power; a form or system of rule
This boy is angry because he was treated unfairly This boy is angry because he was treated unfairly. He is being ________________.
Filled with resentment or anger over something mean, unjust, or unfair
These kids all share the same friends. They have _________ friends.
Shared, felt, or shown equally by two or more
Can you guess the words that go with these definitions? Ready for use Usual, expected, routine A lack of interest or concern Absolutely necessary Balanced, suspended, calm, controlled, ready for action! Able to see through