Grand Teton/Yellowstone Adventure Columbia Public Schools June 8-15
Where are the Grand Tetons?
Jackson Hole, Wyoming
Charter Bus Service
Teton Science School
Teton Science School Campus
Trip Fees Total fee of the trip - $790 This includes Camp Food, lodging, transportation and fun! Fund raising groups will be supported.
Grades 6-8 Grades 9-12 Who can go? Advanced Field Group *minimum of 10 required for an advanced group ***If over 120 students apply a second trip will be considered***
How do I apply? 77 Columbia students went last year and had a great time. Spots will likely fill fast. All applications due October 5 Informational Meeting Sept. 18 6:00 p.m. Administrative Building Board Room
Join Us. Get an application from your teacher or e-mail coordinator Join Us! Get an application from your teacher or e-mail coordinator.