Cobb County Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl 2018-2019 Team Training Cobb County Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl
The Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl Competition spanning ½ a school year Student participants read books and teams compete in a question competition A super intense, super fun day celebrating reading The Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl
Location: Kell High School 3 Levels: Elementary 9:00 AM 2018-2019 COMPETITION DETAILS Saturday, January 19 Location: Kell High School 3 Levels: Elementary 9:00 AM Middle School 2:00 PM High School 2:00 PM (Check in and training begins earlier)
Competition Day: Elementary Schools 8:00-8:45 Check in open to Coaches 8:15-8:45 Volunteer Training 8:15-8:45 Teams and families arrive 8:45 Teams assemble for parade 9:00 Welcome and Parade of Teams 9:15 Opening Ceremonies 9:30 Competition Time TBA for Closing Ceremonies (check Twitter @CobbCountyHRRB)
Competition Day: Middle & High Schools 1:00-1:45 Check in open to Coaches 1:15-1:45 Volunteer Training 1:15-1:45 Teams and families arrive 1:45 Teams assemble for parade 2:00 Welcome and Parade of Teams 2:15 Opening Ceremonies 2:30 Competition Time TBA Closing Ceremonies (check Twitter @CobbCountyHRRB)
Teams may write their own questions or use questions they find online for practice. All of the questions will begin with, "In the book…" with the title clearly stated afterwards followed by the question. The answer has to appear on a certain page. No open-ended questions. No true or false, yes or no Questions can not be two part but they can have up to two answers. Steering committee will be creating members for competition. QUESTIONS
TEAM FORMAT: THE TEAM & COACHES A school may have no more than one team at each level. One coach will be designated as the lead coach and sit with the team during the competition and be their spokesperson. A coach must remain in the rooms with their team at all times. TEAM FORMAT: THE TEAM & COACHES
TEAM FORMAT: THE TEAM & COACHES Each team can have a maximum of ten players at competition. No more than five players will compete during a round. Alternates may be substituted between rounds.
GAME FORMAT: THE ROUNDS Each school will participate in six rounds unless there is a tie-breaker. Each round will consist of 10 questions. Bye Rounds are necessary when there are not an even number of teams to make 6 rounds and are the equivalent of a break. Teams will receive 10 points for each correct answer. There will be no penalties for wrong answers.
All rules are taken from the official Organizational Framework for the Georgia Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl Updated September, 2015 GAME RULES
These rules may not be amended and will be the same for all bowls at all levels. 1. Students may hold the buzzer. 2. When the student buzzes in, the console judge must acknowledge the student by color and number (ex.: red, two). If a student who is not acknowledged answers the question, that team’s response is not recorded and the question is repeated for the opposing team. GAME RULES
3. The answer must be given within 10 seconds by the student who buzzed in. Conferring is NOT allowed. If the answer is correct, the moderator acknowledges that it is correct, and the scorekeeper posts the score. 4. If the answer is incorrect, the question will be repeated for the other team, which must answer within ten seconds after buzzing in. 5. If neither team buzzes in, the moderator will answer the question and proceed to the next question. No score will be tallied for that question. GAME RULES
6. If a contestant buzzes in before the completion of a question, the moderator stops reading and, after being recognized, the contestant must answer immediately. If an incorrect answer is given, the moderator reads the entire question for the opposing team which has an opportunity to answer the question within 10 seconds. GAME RULES
7. At no time during the actual round may the team consult with the coach, with one another, or have a time-out. 8. Any concern about an answer to a question MUST be addressed by one of the five currently competing students to the COACH before the next question is asked. 9. Coaches stay with your team. (A Coach’s chair will be provided directly behind your team.) Use your discretion when allowing a student challenge. You are to direct any challenges and ask any questions, not a team member, a parent, or other visitor. GAME RULES
GAME RULES Copies of the titles in print, digital or audio format are not allowed in the competition rooms. This includes team shirts. No titles or author's names.
GAME RULES: CHALLENGES A challenge can only be initiated by a player. A coach cannot initiate a challenge.
PROTOCOL FOR CHALLENGES The student will get the attention of the coach by raising their hand. The student will quietly tell the coach their concern. The coach will determine if the concern needs to be addressed as a challenge. GAME RULES: CHALLENGES
PROTOCOL FOR CHALLENGES If a challenge goes forward, the moderator may make a decision based on the answers they have or the moderator may confer with HRRB steering committee members, if needed. Once a decision has been made about the question by the moderator or the steering committee, their decision is final. Coaches stay with your team and use your discretion when allowing a student challenge. You are to direct any challenges and ask any questions, not a team member, a parent, or other visitor. GAME RULES: CHALLENGES
Remember, talking during the competition is prohibited! Team violations may include any kind of communication, verbal and nonverbal between Team members Coaches Visitors Once the round begins, there should be no noise of any kind. This includes clapping and cheering from visitors. Help everyone FOCUS! GAME RULES: TALKING
GAME RULES: SPORTSMANSHIP Smile and be happy! No dirty looks No sneers or mean comments toward your own or the other team Thank the volunteers for donating their Saturday GAME RULES: SPORTSMANSHIP
GAME RULES: SPORTSMANSHIP Participants- Team members will not speak to one another. They are not allowed to confer during the rounds whether they buzzed in or not. Team members will not leave the room during the competition. Team members will not use technology during the competition. GAME RULES: SPORTSMANSHIP
GAME RULES: SPORTSMANSHIP Audience- Visitors will remain quiet during the competition. It is recommended that children under the age of 7 not attend the competition. Please silence all technology during competition.
GAME RULES: SPORTSMANSHIP Audience- Space is limited in the classrooms. Space to watch the competition is on a first-come-first-served basis. Visitors should be behind their team. Leaving equal space for the other team. We ask that team members bring no more than 2-3 visitors each. Once the moderator competition begins, visitors are not allowed to enter or leave the room.
WINNERS Determined by total points from all 6 competition rounds Top 2 teams at Elementary, Middle School and High School levels advance to the regional competition in Carrollton, GA Top 3 teams receive special trophies All other teams will receive participation trophies WINNERS
No food or drinks are permitted inside the competition rooms. Snacks? No food or drinks are permitted inside the competition rooms.
VOLUNTEERS Coaches will be placed as moderator in the level of competition that they do not coach in. If you can not fulfill this duty, please email Additional volunteers are appreciated. Please visit the HRRB website to submit your volunteer's name.
It‘s All About You! Growing in Your Love of Reading Thanks Coaches! It‘s All About You! Growing in Your Love of Reading
Organizational Framework for the Georgia Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl Updated September, 2015 len-ruffin-reading- bowl/files/2016/07/HRRB- Framework.pdf RESOURCES