Connecting Territories: the Role of European Regions and Cities


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Presentation transcript:

Connecting Territories: the Role of European Regions and Cities in the Future EU Policies for Research and Innovation Brussels, 20/02/2018

Strengthening Innovation in Europe's Regions Industrial modernisation essential to improve EU competitiveness S3 has created a “culture of cooperation” within regions and the development of genuine regional innovation ecosystems S3 2.0 based on interregional cooperation: Post-2020 new phase of ‘regional discovery process’ (RDP) ex-ante conditionality ?? S3 contact points in all regions support from and to the S3 Platform (Eye@RIS3,and Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH)…) Synergies between EU funds and initiatives and regional funding Framework Program should include the "regional discovery process" and support the creation, strengthening and internationalization of regional innovation ecosystems Interregional partnerships for innovative projects (pilot action) – Vanguard Initiative as a model create adequate and flexible ad hoc financing instruments