Shelters, Gazebos & Pergolas
Specializes in the manufacturing of shelters, gazebos, pergolas and other park structures Litchfield offers a complete line of standard models and sizes as well as customization options 6-stage process that includes an epoxy TGIC powder coating zinc rich primer
Types of Shelters Pittsburgh Shelters : All steel shelter with a 24 ga. R-Panel pre-cut metal roof Optional 24 ga. standing seam pre-cut metal roof Steel Beam Shelters : Steel frame shelter with tongue & groove wood roof decking Roof choices include: 29 ga. Max-Rib pre-cut metal roof, 26 ga. standing seam pre-cut metal roof, fiberglass and cedar shingles Wood Frame Shelters : Includes glu-lam and heavy timber wood framework Same roofing options as steel beam Electrical accommodations can be made for all shelter types
Shelters Pittsburgh Octagonal Tri-TopSteel Beam Chalet Pittsburgh Gable End T-ShelterRectangular Solid Arch
Pittsburgh Gable EndPittsburgh Hexagonal Rectangular Solid ArchLaminated Square
Gazebos Deerfield Gazebo New Englander Gazebo Brentwood Gazebo Colonial Gazebo
Pagoda GazeboBrentwood Gazebo Stafford Gazebo
Pergolas Raritan Bay Curved Beam Boulevard Straight Beam Raritan Bay Curved Beam Centennial Series Beam
Arborview Curved Beam Senn Park Curved BeamCabana Style Town Square Curved Beam
Zinc-Loc Steel Frame Colors