*THE U.S. ENTERS WORLD WAR I: The Great War (1914-19) Page 3 of NB Pp. 399-401 *What were the 3 causes of the U.S. entering the war? *What year does the U.S. enter the war? *What alliance does the U.S. join? WWI Map
German Postcard showing the sinking of the Lusitania with a Torpedo
U-Boat (German Submarine) http://www. geocities
*World War I and the Home Front Continue page of NB Propaganda Poster *Attacks on Civil Liberties: *During WWI, why was there anti-immigrant hysteria in the U.S.? *Who were the victims (p. 412)? *What were the effects of the Espionage and Sedition Acts? (p. 413). What were the three cause of the Great Migration? http://www.examiner.com/article/the-espionage-act-the-worst-attack-on-civil-liberties-u-s-history
American and WWI Continued The Political Parties courting the Female Vote *American Women *What roles/jobs did women do during WWI? *What important event happened after women’s hard work during WWI (pp. 415-16)? *What were the effects of the Flu Epidemic? www.amandapina.edublogs.org
*U.S.A. and End of WWI (Begin page 5 of NB) *Which alliance wins World War I? *Who was President of the U.S.A. at that time? *Woodrow Wilson: 28th President (1913-21). He once said, “No Nation is fit to sit in judgment upon any other nation.” April 20th 1915.
President Wilson Travels to Europe: Treaty of Versailles The “Big Four” from Right to left: President Wilson (USA), Clemenceau (France), Orlando (Italy) and Lloyd George (England).
World War: A Treaty for Peace? *What were the two very damaging parts of the Treaty of Versailles (p. 418)? Explain. P. 419: What was the name of the representative from Vietnam? What did he ask for? Did he get what he wanted?
The Hall of Mirrors-Versailles After the Franco- Prussian War in 1871, Kaiser Wilhelm’s Grandfather was named head of the new German Empire, also known as the Second Reich, at Versailles. France felt this was a good place to sign the treaty marking Germany’s loss in WWI and the end of the Second Reich. blogs.law.harvard.edu
President Wilson at Versailles (p. 418) *What was the name of President Wilson’s peace plan? *Why did the Allies reject his plan? *What one point did the Allies (Great Britain and France) accept? Documents: http://www.ourdocuments.gov/doc.php?doc=62 *What was the name of the treaty that ended WWI?
President Wilson and the Treaty of Versailles:. Why did the U. S *President Wilson and the Treaty of Versailles: *Why did the U.S. Senate reject the treaty? P. 420. http://www.senate.gov/artandhistory/history/minute/A_Bitter_Rejection.htm
Effect of WWI Continued http://www. archives USS Iowa, 1898 *P. 421: What are the 3 Domestic Consequences or effects of World War I? Draw a picture of each consequence on the left 4th left page of your notebook.
The Treaty of Versailles *Predict what Germany’s economy will be like in the 1920’s (will it be a good or bad economy). Explain. Photo on the right: With high inflation 1923–24, German woman feeds her tiled stove with money! At the time, burning money was less expensive than buying firewood. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weimar_Republic