Bowel dysfunction after laparoscopic antireflux surgery: incidence, severity, and clinical course  Alexander Klaus, MD, Ronald A Hinder, MD, PhD, Kenneth.


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Presentation transcript:

Bowel dysfunction after laparoscopic antireflux surgery: incidence, severity, and clinical course  Alexander Klaus, MD, Ronald A Hinder, MD, PhD, Kenneth R DeVault, MD, Sami R Achem, MD  The American Journal of Medicine  Volume 114, Issue 1, Pages 6-9 (January 2003) DOI: 10.1016/S0002-9343(02)01301-3

Figure 1 Number and percentage of 84 patients with preoperative and postoperative bowel symptoms. Note that the sum of the numbers of patients expressed in the two boxes on the extreme right do not add up, because several of the patients reported more than one symptom. The American Journal of Medicine 2003 114, 6-9DOI: (10.1016/S0002-9343(02)01301-3)

Figure 2 Number and percentage of 84 patients with specific symptoms. The American Journal of Medicine 2003 114, 6-9DOI: (10.1016/S0002-9343(02)01301-3)