If you are visiting us today, we welcome you! Restrooms are located: In the front of the church, in the cry room (door on the left in the vestibule) Just outside the kitchen Just outside the nursery In the nursery At the bottom of the stairs, to the right (lower level classrooms)
NURSERY IS AVAILABLE To find our nursery, go through the curtains to the right of the sanctuary, down the hall to the end, turn left. We welcome children ages infant up to kindergarten. Our nursery is supervised by adults with approved background clearances. Most children wait until after the children’s message to go to the nursery. If you wish to keep your children with you during the worship service, have no worries! Children are a blessing! For nursing mothers, there is a cry room in the vestibule at the back of the sanctuary for privacy. The cry room is equipped with a changing table, a rocking chair, and other necessities.
COMING EVENTS Hunger Sunday – September 3 Labor Day – September 4 Rob and Evelyn Arrival – September 5 Christian Education Week – September 3 to 8 Sunday School starts September 10, 2017 Stewardship Sunday is September 10, 2017 Grandparent’s Day – September 10, 2017 Young Adults – September 14 at 5:30 PM Horizon Bible Study – September 15 at 10:30 to 12:00
Sunday Sept. 10th This is a big day at WPC. Sunday school starts, youth group begins, Stewardship Sunday, Rally Day and Grandparents day -- all in one! Don’t forget Sunday School registration is now open and starting in one week!
Rob and Evelyn are coming to Wyalusing from Scotland on September 5th Rob and Evelyn are coming to Wyalusing from Scotland on September 5th. Make sure to give them a warm welcome!
NOISY CAN OFFERING The NOISY CAN OFFERING will go to David Howard & family, who are Wycliffe Bible translators. Today about 200 million people do not have the Bible in their own language. Wycliffe's vision is to see the Bible accessible to all people in the language they understand best. To make this vision a reality, Wycliffe also focuses on literacy development, community development and church partnerships. Just a reminder: All donations made by WPC will be doubled.
Fun Activities Linda Neiley is holding a CPR/AED class at WPC on Tuesday, September 12, 2017 and a First Aid Course on Monday September 18, 2017. To Register click on the link and follow the instructions below: Find A Course - CPR - American Heart Association "Classroom & Skills Sessions" button on the right side. Enter 18853 as the location and then dates, and VOILA! You can put your information in to register. It will also send you a reminder 2 days before the class! Cost for courses: First Aid $10 CPR/AED $13.50 CPR/AED and First Aid (both evenings) $15.50
WPC’S MISSIONS TEAM Mission Team: Elders Deb Minturn & Mike Jensen Throughout the year WPC supports local charities: Towanda Area Christian Outreach, Hezekiah’s Hands, Helping Hands, Endless Mountains Pregnancy Care Center, Grace Connection; Rev. Cameron Smith & RUF at Carson-Newman University, the Howard family & Wycliffe Bible Translations (Papua New Guinea), and the Wyalusing Youth Group. Thank you to all who continue to support our outreach programs with the many generous donations. The Missions team has several projects coming up in partnership with Hezekiah's Hands. They are looking for team members to help with these projects. If you have the skills, they need you! Contact Mike Jensen and ask how YOU can help!.
DO YOU WANT TO STAY INFORMED OF ALL THAT HAPPENS AT WPC? Visit www.wyalusingpc.org home page to sign up for our mailing list, Weekly Love, to get all the latest news and prayer requests via e-mail.
Did you miss recent announcements? Announcements are available for download on the WPC website @ www.wyalusingpc.org under the RESOURCES PAGE.
Weekly Bible Quote Matthew 25:35 – “For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home.”