Close reading to determine what unfamiliar words mean Vocabulary in Context Close reading to determine what unfamiliar words mean
There are FIVE kinds of context clues. Definition (synonym or restatement) EX: Night is the time when many animals forage, or search, for food. Contrast (antonym) EX: My sister loathes broccoli, but she loves spinach. Examples EX: The store specializes in cutlery, such as knives and forks, that have unique designs. General sense of the sentence EX: At a special ceremony, the police chief gave the officer a commendation for bravery. Clue from another sentence The waiter was so brusque that we only left a small tip. He was rude and impatient, and seemed annoyed when we asked for anything.
Choose the correct meaning for the word in bold print Choose the correct meaning for the word in bold print. COPY the sentence.