Technology and Academics RCMS
Studentvue/ParentVUE and remind Monitor your students grades, homework, classwork and attendance. Students are encouraged to monitor their grades at school Students often tell parents they don’t have homework – Monitor ParentVUE to verify student has completed all assignments. You can also contact teacher in ParentVUE Sign up to teacher’s Remind App – Receive notifications, text teacher and know when students have homework and projects Front office staff can provide you with your ParentVUE account
GOOGLE CLASSROOM Many homework and classwork assignments are posted on their Google classroom page. They must log on to their Google account to access classroom
Students expected to bring chrome books daily and charged Each student will have a 1:1 device chrome book they will receive for class and home use Students expected to bring chrome books daily and charged Chromebooks are for school related use Chromebooks will have electronic copies of textbook Student is responsible for the use and protection of the chrome book Hot Spot capability for WIFI will be provided with chrome book Parents are encouraged to monitor grades and attendance on student chrome book
Sign up to teacher Remind App How do I help my student? Follow their progress on Synergy Parent Vue. See Ms. Ramirez at the Front Desk for a validation code Sign up to teacher Remind App Parent Participation, ELAC, SSC, PTG, Parent Courses, Parent Center
KEEP STUDENTS SAFE FROM CYBERBULLYING Cyberbullying-bullying online involves spreading mean words, lies, false rumors through text messages, social media. Sexist, racist, homophobic messages
KEEP STUDENTS SAFE FROM CYBERBULLYING Instagram: Lots of students have an IG account and are following each other on IG.
How to stop cyberbullying Tell the cyberbully to stop Print out and save the threating messages Simply ignore Block all communication with the cyberbully through email and IM contact list Avoid going on sites or group where you have been attacked Change your email address account, username, or phone number
How to stop cyberbullying Most cyberbullying violates the ISP’s terms of service. Look at the person’s ISP name in their email address. Many ISPs will close an account if a person is breaking the terms of service. If someone has stolen you identity report this to your ISP
Reporting Bullying: It starts with you! Tell a trusted adult. Teacher, admin, counselor. Make an appointment to see a counselor. Sprigeo. Practice Upstanding duties.
Gustavo Ochoa, 7th grade and 8th grade A-L Counseling team Gustavo Ochoa, 7th grade and 8th grade A-L Marisol Guerrero, 6th grade and 8th grade M-Z Consuelo Ramirez, Prevention Specialist Maria Pacheco, Parent Liaison and Office Specialist