Statistics Canada and Data’s New Realty An overview of current transformations and developing the expertise to deal with it December 2018
Outline A changing world of Data How will Statistics Canada address the challenges of the data ecosystem? Statistics Canada’s vision for a modern, flexible, innovative workplace What is being done to attract tomorrow’s leaders to address data challenges? Training and Career Programs Human Resource Management to adapt to the new reality of data Conclusion December 2018
A changing world of data!! Rapidly changing and increasingly complex economy and society Proliferation of data and data providers Data revolution, ingenuity and innovation Increased expectations and demand for “real-time” and micro/ detailed data December 2018
Leveraging the expertise of a modernized Statistics Canada How will Statistics Canada address the challenges of the data ecosystem? Data quality and confidentiality Build statistical capacity Leveraging the expertise of a modernized Statistics Canada Data integration International leader Décembre 2018
How will Statistics Canada address challenges of the data ecosystem? Moving beyond a survey-first approach with new methods and integrating data from a variety of existing sources Making our data easier to access and use by adopting new tools and building capacity to analyze and visualize data Helping more Canadians use data to make evidence-based decisions User Centric Service Delivery Resting on the pillars of a modern Statistical Agency Leading Edge Methods & Data Integration Statistical Capacity Building & Leadership Sharing & Collaboration Modern Workforce It is nurtured through a strong culture of innovation and desire to continuously improve and develop our products and services December 2018
How will Statistics Canada address the challenges of the data ecosystem? Pillar Vision 1- User-centric Service Delivery Users have the information and data they need, when they need it, in the ways they want to access it, with the tools and knowledge to make full use of it. 2- Leading-edge Methods & Data Integration Access to new or untapped data; modify the role of surveys; greater reliance on modelling and integration; capacity through R&D environment. 3- Statistical Capacity Building & Leadership To be leaders in identifying, building and fostering savvy information and critical analysis skills beyond our own perimeters. 4- Sharing & Collaboration Statistics Canada has developed and nurtured strategic, innovative partnerships that allow for the open sharing of data, expertise and best practices. We are proactive, flexible and responsive to partner needs. 5- Modern Workforce and Flexible Workplace Have the talent and environment required to fulfill our business needs at the time and be open and nimble to continue to position ourselves for the future. December 2018
Statistics Canada’s vision for a modern, flexible, innovative workplace December 2018
What is being done to attract tomorrow’s leaders to address data challenges? Three key values summarize Statistics Canada's transformation in terms of modern workforce and workplace People A workforce that is healthy, engaged and productive for everyone. A modern and flexible workplace means that we can focus on our workers’ wellness. Space A workplace with a variety of flexible workspaces to foster collaboration IT A workplace that leverages technology to enable business objectives. December 2018
What is being done to attract tomorrow’s leaders to address data challenges? Statistics Canada is moving to a modern and flexible workplace Measures that integrate sustainability and improve the overall health of employees Flexible attitude and modern technology that promotes independence and accountability Establishment of a networked and open workplace New vision of a culture marked by innovation and connectivity Gradual deployment of new IT equipment designed to enhance employee mobility December 2018
What is being done to attract tomorrow’s leaders to address data challenges? Acquiring Skills through Recruitment Identify internal recruiters in the field of Data Science Develop contacts with targeted institutions and promote Statistics Canada on campuses (via presentation / panels in specific faculties, job fairs, etc.) Work with universities on topics of common interest related to big data. Establish research partnerships. Through partnerships with academic institutions, offer internships to students in data science Launch a special hiring project and defining meaningful work to attract, hire and retain data scientists December 2018
Training and Career Programs Grassroots data science community taking shape at Statistics Canada Create an Innovation Lab (data science IT lab) to provide employees with onsite access to the Internet for software and application testing, research and development, exploration of data sources and collaboration. Encourage peer learning: data science mentoring, Communities of Practice, Working Groups, Clubs and User Groups Leverage Self-Directed Learning Groups that produce real outputs and take the opportunity to build capacity to leverage priorities as learning exercises - with inputs from advisors or mentors. Explore Online Course offerings: Data Science Courses on Coursera (Getting and Cleaning Data; R Programming, The Data Scientist's Toolbox, etc.) and EdX (Data Science: R Basics) December 2018
Human Resource Management to adapt to the new reality of data What are the future skills we need to drive the business forward? What is the available supply of those skills? Who in the leadership cadre is a change agent and can lead us through a period of transformation? What skills do we have in our organization and do they match our business needs? Talent Acquisition Talent Engagement Talent Development Where is the business vulnerable in my future talent and succession plans? Does the work environment foster retention of talented and skillful employees ? What areas of my business are excelling in performance versus those at risk? Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada December 2018
Conclusion Engaging and Retaining Talent Through Modernization, we are changing the way we work, manage our teams and meet our goals but Statistics Canada remains committed to provide a safe, healthy, diverse, bilingual and positive work environment: continued learning and development continued recognition enhanced collaboration and inclusion increased flexibility and mobility increased innovation and connectivity improved wellness and work-life balance December 2018
Thank you! December 2018