Leadership https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCzib4Na55Y Reference: acas 2009:H20
Learning Outcomes Is leadership the answer? What is meant by the term compassionate leadership? How can compassion make a difference? Is it too late for compassion, is it more about funding, staffing levels and financial reward?
Ground Rules Respect Confidentiality Time keeping Flexibility and creativity
Leadership “Leadership may be considered as the process (act) of influencing the activities of an organised group in its efforts towards goal setting and goal achievement” (Stogdill, 1950 cited in Hartley and Benington 2010:14)
Rebel or Troublemaker Peter Rabbit- what motivated him to lead action https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XPOYH1_YEE Paddington, was his motivate and method different; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1XT-SQ2DPyk
Todays Leaders “As rebels, we continuously seek innovative new ways of delivering care. We are committed to the patient-centred mission and values of our organisation. We are driven by our passion for better care for patients. We are optimistic about the future, the potential for change and see many possibilities for doing things in different ways. We generate energy for change which attracts others to unite with us for a common cause” Helen Bevan adapted from Lois Kelly. NHS Improving Quality. http://blogs.bmj.com/quality/2013/07/29/a-call-to-action-helen-bevans-blog/ Reference: acas 2009:H20
Leadership Quiz Working in pairs discuss the answers to the questions. Reference: acas 2009:H20
Leadership- the buzz word of today Factors know to succeed include: Whole-system redesign Radical rethinking of organisational roles Empowering teams to innovate Persistently nurturing continuous improvement (West et al 2017:2) Reference: acas 2009:H20
Warwick Six C Leadership Framework Concepts Underpinning values Consequences Seeing the difference Characteristics Clinical/non direct/indirect Leadership Context National, organisational, local Capabilities Leadership skills Challenges Culture- profession hierarchy Reference: acas 2009:H20
Compassionate Leadership Attending- pay attention, withhold judgement, clarify, summarise, reflect and share – listen with fascination Understanding- make sense and understand the challenges- engaging and supportive, encouraging innovation as feel safe to try Empathising – experience some measure of the frustrations, anxieties and pain of others. Motivate individual to innovate Helping - thoughtful intelligent action to help – engaging staff not telling them what to do (West et al 2017:2) Reference: acas 2009:H20
Compassionate leadership is achieved by: Founding principles of organisation Acquired values of those joining the organisation (values, norms, behaviours) – Induction programme Behaviour of its leaders – what leaders focus on, talk about, pay attention to. Reward and seek to influence. (Schneider et al 2017:4) Reference: acas 2009:H20
Teamwork “Groups that work in a positive emotional environment coupled with diverse but overlapping knowledge domains and skills are particularly creative” (Cited in West 2017: 13) Reference: acas 2009:H20
Caring “Caring for others, helping them grow and develop and giving them the freedom to explore and experiment within safe boundaries is characteristic of compassionate leadership” (West 2017: 17) Reference: acas 2009:H20
Innovation “the introduction and application of processes, products, treatments or procedures, new to the team, department, ward, pathway, organisation or system and intended to benefit patients, staff, the organisation or the wider society” (West 2017: 5) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTWWR-OLU4c Reference: acas 2009:H20
Compassionate leadership to stimulate innovation in health care Inspiring vision and strategy Self compassion and compassionate leadership Positive safe and inclusive culture Enthusiastic team and cross boundary working Support and autonomy Reference: acas 2009:H20
Leadership Quiz Working in pairs reflect on your answers and change them if necessary. Reference: acas 2009:H20
RCN Leadership courses Political Leadership Programme (Level 8 or equivalent) Clinical Leadership Programme (Level 6 & 7 or equivalent) NEW Developing Leadership Programme (Level 5 or equivalent) NEW Introduction to Leadership Programme (level 2- 4 or equivalent) Systems leadership Integrated care’ approaches as the best hope for a sustainable NHS in the future (Goodwin et al 2013). Leading across complex interdependent systems of care is a new and different role that needs to be undertaken alongside the already difficult task of leading successful institutions. Organisational leaders Leaders first- managers second. Inclusive leaders A model which flattens traditional hierarchical structures and encourages natural leader to emerge who have the: Technical know how Improvement know how Personal effectiveness Goodwin N, Smith J, Davies A, Parry C, Rosen R, Dixon A, Dixon J, Ham C (2013). Integrated care for patients and populations: improving outcomes by working together. A report to the Department of Health and the NHS Future Forum. London: The King’s Fund. Available at: www.kingsfund.org.uk/ publications/integrated-care-patients-and-populations-improving-outcomes-working-together (accessed on 4 September 2014). Reference: acas 2009:H20
Reflections Give an example of how today has inspired you to seek out a leadership opportunity? What is the most significant thing you have learnt today? Do you have feedback/suggestions for the facilitators? Did you find the analogy helpful or irritating?