Genre (from French genre, meaning 'kind, sort') is any form or type of communication in any mode (written, spoken, digital, artistic, etc.) with socially-agreed upon conventions developed over time. Some examples are: Academic essays Text messages Movie scripts Letters Newspaper articles A genre’s conventions can be strengths or weaknesses depending upon the writer/creator’s rhetorical situation: what is their purpose? who is their audience? what is their context? Memes Comics Data charts Lyrics Advertisements
For the most part, using the socially accepted conventions with their own genres will get the best results. Composition 2 May I inquire after your schedule visa vie tomorrow evening? What up, cuh? Levitt and my boi Dubs are freal being extra with their argument in this chapter. Like, why did they save all that data noise for the end? Be up front with me, you feel me? This argument was trash. I must say, you have roused my curiosity; to what end do you inquire? I wish to know your disposition towards Netflix and chill.