Successful Recruitment and Retention Techniques Presenter: Linda Wincek-Moore
Census According to 2010 census Worcester has 29,000 people age 60 and older 4,000 people age 85 and older Worcester Senior Center has 300-400 people come through the door each day
Evidence-Based Programs The senior center offers Chronic Disease Self-Management, Healthy Eating for Successful Living in Older Adults and A Matter of Balance at least 2 times a year Diabetes Self-Management and Powerful Tools for Caregivers at least once a year
Health Fitness programs such as aerobics, yoga, tai chi…. Services such as massage, podiatry, blood pressure screenings… Health education programs…. Amy review slide
Promoting We offer a wide range of fitness and health education programs. Our participants take many of these programs in which we can then promote the evidence-based programs and vice versa Through grants we are able to offer the programs and corresponding materials free of charge (donations accepted)
Promoting (cont.) Evidence-based Programs are emphasized at health fairs, community events and network meetings Discussion of evidence-based programs takes place while interacting with participants at the senior center Our receptionist wears hats designed for the specific program resulting in inquiries
Get the Word Out! Worcester Magazine Worcester Telegram & Gazette Senior Scoop Flyers Outreach to diverse population
Advertisement Stay Active, Stay Strong, Stay Standing! Call 508-799-1232 to register for one of the following FREE programs: “My Life, My Health” starts Aug. 21st “A Matter of Balance” starts Sept. 10th “Balance, Strength Training and Exercise” 2 sessions start Sept. 5th or Oct. 31st. Each program has 6 to 8 classes which will be held at the Worcester Senior Center. Take charge of your health! Funded in part by the Greater Worcester Community Foundation.
Newsletter Our newsletter is mailed directly to 1,000 homes and 2,000 copies are placed throughout the city including city hall, public library, housing complexes and area grocery stores The newsletter is also on the city website and programs are highlighted on the city calendar Evidence-based programs are also discussed on the Senior Speak radio/TV show
Incentives Certificates are given at the completion of the workshop. Participants proudly share this with others promoting further interest Many of our participants enjoy the first workshop so much they sign up for the other evidence-based programs
por completar el programa de Asunto de equilibrio Certificado de termino del curso por completar el programa de Asunto de equilibrio el 9 de diciembre, 2011 Tina Forget Instructora Linda Wincek-Moore Instructora
Collaborations We reach out to partner from different agencies for co-leaders (Americorp volunteers and ASAPs) We offer a variety of different leaders for all the evidence-based programs