Exam Revision for Paper 2 Option 2B. Elizabeth – Depth Study


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Presentation transcript:

Exam Revision for Paper 2 Option 2B. Elizabeth 1558 - 1588– Depth Study AIM – To be fully prepared for the second section of Paper 2. 1 hr 45 minutes. 40% of final mark

Make sure you revise all three key topics Key Topic 1: Queen, Government and Religion 1558 – 1569 Key Topic 2: Challenges to Elizabeth at home and abroad from 1569 – 1588 Key Topic 3: Elizabethan Society in the age of Exploration, 1558 - 88 Make sure you remember key names (individuals), events and years. Make sure you break down your thoughts thematically; P E R M S Make sure you have an opinion and counter opinions; balance and interpretation

Queen, Government and Religion 1558 - 1569 Challenges to the religious settlement,1558 - 1569 Elizabeth’s problems and decisions Why did the Puritans challenge the religious settlement? Challenges from abroad Describe the new Church of England Femininity How did Elizabeth get support for the Church of England? Problem of legitimacy Choosing her councillors How did the Puritans try to change the religious settlement? Why did Catholics challenge the religious settlement? Religious divisions Financial Weaknesses What did the Catholics accept in the religious settlement? Key Topic 1: Queen, Government and Religion 1558 - 1569 Marriage and succession What opposition was there in England? How did Elizabeth deal with Catholic challenges? Who was Mary Queen of Scots? What opposition was there from abroad? Why was Mary’s love life a problem for Elizabeth? What were Mary’s links to France and Scotland? Describe Mary’s love life Mary Queen of Scots

Challenges to Elizabeth at home and abroad from 1569 - 1588 Revolt of the Northern Earls, 1569 How did England prepare for the Armada? Rivalry, War and the Spanish Armada The Spanish Plan Political causes of the Revolt: Religious causes of the Revolt: Economic causes of the Revolt: Trade Rivalry How did the English weaken the Spanish? Reasons why the English won: Political Rivalry Resources Religious Rivalry Tactics Leadership Events of the revolt: Why did the revolt fail? English involvement in the Netherlands Weather Cause: Key Topic 2: Challenges to Elizabeth at home and abroad from 1569 - 1588 Consequence: Event: The Ridolfi Plot Plotters and aims: Francis Walsingham and his spying techniques The Babington Plot Plots Plotters and aims: What happened? The Throckmorton Plot Plotters and aims: What happened? Consequences: What happened? Consequences: Consequences:

Elizabethan Society in the age of Exploration, 1558 - 88 Leisure, Education and poverty The End of Eliza’s Reign The rich had better lives Schools Problems from 1588 -1603 Elizabeth’ reign was terrible The Theatre Education at home Elizabeth’ reign was great! Sports and pastimes Universities Attitudes towards the poor: Causes of the rise of poverty: Key Topic 3: Elizabethan Society in the age of Exploration, 1558 - 88 Who was Raleigh? 1585 voyage: 1587 voyage: Poor Laws: Why did the English go on voyages? Drake’s aims: Stage 1: Stage 2: Stage 3: English voyages Exploration, Drake and Raleigh

Paper 2: Spain and the New World AND Early Elizabeth 64 marks – 1 hour and 45 mins Question Marks Question Type Section A: Spain and the New World Answer ALL Questions 1, 2 and 3 1 8 marks / 12 mins Explain two consequences of… 50 mins 2 8 marks / 12 mins Write a narrative account… 3 16 marks / 25 mins Explain two of the following… Section B: Early Elizabeth Answer both questions 3 and 4 and then EITHER 5 or 6 4a 4 marks / 6 mins Describe two features of… 4b 12 marks / 18 mins Explain why …. 4c 16 marks + 4 SPAG / 25 mins “[insert statement]” How far do you agree? Explain your answer.

Question 1: Describe two features of… (4 marks – 6 mins) [POINT] One feature of… {WFTQ}…is… [EVIDENCE] It was….(describe)… [POINT] One feature of… {WFTQ} is… [CONCLUDING STATEMENT] In conclusion these are key features because… Get straight to the point and stick to it with support. Keep it short and simple FOCUS Provide short closing statement

QUESTION 1 (4 marks – 6 mins) Get straight to the point and stick to it with support. Keep it short and simple FOCUS Provide short closing statement Question 1: Describe two key features of…   Marks Description Level 1 1-4 Award up to 2 marks for each outline of a feature. The second mark should be awarded for additional detail. Some example exam practice questions; 1. Describe two key features of religion in Elizabethan England 2. Describe two key features of the importance of religion in Elizabethan England 3. Describe two key features of the arguments that Elizabeth was not a legitimate queen 4. Describe two key features of the Religious Settlement of 1559 5. Describe two key features of Queen Elizabeth’s Privy Council 6. Describe two key features of the challenge from the Puritans between 1558 and 1569 7. Describe two key features of the plots against Queen Elizabeth between 1571 and 1587 8. Describe two key features of Elizabethan grammar schools (Universities) 9. Describe two key features of theatres in Elizabethan London 10. Describe two key features of cultural life in Elizabethan England 11. Describe two key features of the Ridolfi Plot (1571) (Any plot could be chosen) 12. Describe two key features of the Bond of Association (1584) 13. Describe two key features of Walsingham’s methods of catching Catholic plotters 14. Describe two key features of the rivalry between England and Spain 15. Describe two key features of the Spanish Armada 16. Describe two key features of the government’s responses to the poor 17. Describe two key features of Drake’s voyages 18. Describe two key features of Hawkin’s voyages

QUESTION 2 - EXPLAIN WHY……….. (12 marks – 18 mins) [INTRO] – There are different reasons why (INSERT WFTQ), all varying in importance / significance [POINT] One reason why…(WFTQ)…is… [EVIDENCE] Evidence to support this is… [EXPLAIN] This meant that….because… Therefore… [EVIDENCE] Evidence to support this is… [POINT] The final reason why…(WFTQ)…is… [CONCLUSION] In conclusion, the most important reason why ….WFTQ…was… TIPS It is strongly advisable to complete this Q2 worth 12 marks, AFTER Q3 worth 20 marks * DETERMINE THE MOST IMPORTANT POINT, WHEN YOU WRITE IT WITHIN THE BODY OF YOUR ANSWER & PROVE IT. DO NOT JUST WRITE IT – PROVE IT! * IDENTIFY A RANGE OF FACTORS WHY & THEN ANALYSE 3-4 FACTORS. * LINK THE REASONS WHY….BY COMPARING / CONTRASTING THEM e.g. this factor was not as important as…….this factor X like factor Y is another reason why…….. * REMEMBER TO IDENTIFY THE THEMES * USE THE STIMULUS (2 BULLET POINTS) TO HELP & YOUR OWN KNOWLEDGE

Question 2: (12 marks – 18 mins) Explain why… Level Marks Description Level 1 1-3 A simple or generalised answer is given, lacking development and organisation. Level 2 4-6 Simple explanation, with limited analysis and focus on the question. Some development and organisation of material shown, but a line of reasoning is not sustained. Accurate and relevant information is included Maximum 5 marks for answers that do not include an aspect in addition to those prompted by the stimulus material. Level 3 7-9 An explanation is given, showing some analysis, which is mainly directed at the question. Line of reasoning is generally sustained, although some passages may lack coherence and organisation. Accurate and relevant information is included Maximum 8 marks for answers that do not include an aspect in addition to those prompted by the stimulus material. Level 4 10-12 An analytical explanation is given which is directed consistently at the question, showing a line of reasoning that is coherent, sustained and logically structured. Accurate and relevant information is precisely showing wide-ranging knowledge and understanding of the required features or characteristics of the period studied. No access to Level 4 for answers which do not include an aspect in addition to those prompted by the stimulus material. It is strongly advisable to complete this Q2 worth 12 marks, AFTER Q3 worth 20 marks

Question 2: (12 marks – 18 mins) Explain why… Level Marks Description Level 1 1-3 A simple or generalised answer is given, lacking development and organisation. Level 2 4-6 Simple explanation, with limited analysis and focus on the question. Some development and organisation of material shown, but a line of reasoning is not sustained. Accurate and relevant information is included Maximum 5 marks for answers that do not include an aspect in addition to those prompted by the stimulus material. Level 3 7-9 An explanation is given, showing some analysis, which is mainly directed at the question. Line of reasoning is generally sustained, although some passages may lack coherence and organisation. Accurate and relevant information is included Maximum 8 marks for answers that do not include an aspect in addition to those prompted by the stimulus material. Level 4 10-12 An analytical explanation is given which is directed consistently at the question, showing a line of reasoning that is coherent, sustained and logically structured. Accurate and relevant information is precisely showing wide-ranging knowledge and understanding of the required features or characteristics of the period studied. No access to Level 4 for answers which do not include an aspect in addition to those prompted by the stimulus material. Some example exam practice questions Explain why Queen Elizabeth faced great religious difficulties in 1558 Explain why Queen Elizabeth faced challenges from abroad in 1558 Explain why Queen Elizabeth faced religious divisions in 1558 Explain why Queen Elizabeth still faced religious problems in 1569 Explain why the treatment of the poor changed during Queen Elizabeth’s reign Explain why Queen Elizabeth was moderate in her attitude towards ordinary Catholics in 1559 Explain why the Revolt of the Northern Earls 1569 failed 8. Explain why many Catholics accepted the Religious Settlement of 1559 Explain why Mary was executed in 1587 Explain why Queen Elizabeth was initially reluctant of Mary’s Execution 11. Explain why the Throckmorton Plot (1583) was a threat to Queen Elizabeth 12. Explain why the Bond of Association 1584 was so important 13. Explain why the Babington Plot 1586 took place Explain why there was an increase in poverty and vagabondage in the years 1558-1588 15. Explain why Queen Elizabeth valued education 16. Explain why war broke out between England and Spain in 1585 17. Explain why the Spanish Armada was defeated in 1588 Explain why English sailors went on so many voyages of discovery during Queen Elizabeth’s reign (1558-1588) Explain why Queen Elizabeth gave permission for Raleigh to establish a colony in North America 20. Explain why Drake was so important in 1587

QUESTION 3 – 16 marks + 4 SPAG . 24 mins Question 3 (i) or (ii): (16 marks + 4 SPAG) “INSERT STATEMENT” How far do you agree….? [INTRO] There are many differing interpretations on “INSERT STATEMENT”…….EXTENTS [POINT] I would agree EXTENT; greatly / significantly / partially that …(WFTQ)…because… [EVIDENCE] Evidence to support this is… [EXPLAIN] This supports the argument that … (WFTQ) …because… This means that…. Therefore… [POINT] However I would disagree EXTENT; greatly / significantly / partially that …(WFTQ)… because… [EXPLAIN] This refutes the argument (EXTENT) that … (WFTQ) …because… [POINT] Furthermore I would disagree (EXTENT) that …(WFTQ)… because… This meant that…. [CONCLUSION] In conclusion it is evident to a (EXTENT) that …(WFTQ)… because….YOU MUST REACH A JUDGEMENT WITH AN EXTENT; limited / partial / significant / great TIPS USE WFTQ EXTENTS SUPPORT COUNTER / CHALLENGE JUDGEMENT

Question 3 (i) or (ii): (16 marks + 4 SPAG Question 3 (i) or (ii): (16 marks + 4 SPAG. 24 mins) “INSERT STATEMENT” How far do you agree? Level Description Result L1 1-4 A simple or generalised answer, lacking development and organisation. Limited knowledge of the topic is shown. The overall judgement is missing.   L2 5-8 A simple explanation is given showing limited analysis and with implicit links to the conceptual focus of the question. It shows some development and organisation of material but reasoning is not sustained. Accurate and relevant information is included, showing some knowledge and understanding of the period. Weak overall judgement is given. Maximum 7 marks for answers that do not include a third point L3 9-12 An explanation is given, showing some analysis, which is mainly directed at the conceptual focus of the question. It shows a line of reasoning that is generally sustained, although some passages may lack coherence and organisation. Accurate and relevant information is included, showing good knowledge and understanding of the required features or characteristics of the period studied. The overall judgement is given with some justification. Maximum 10 marks for answers that do not include a third point L4 13-16 An analytical explanation is given which is directed consistently at the question, reasoning is coherent, sustained and structured. Accurate and relevant information is precisely selected to address the question directly, showing wide-ranging knowledge and understanding of the period studied. Overall judgement is clear and justified. No access to L4 for answers that do not include a third point SPAG 1-2 SPAG is poor 3-4 SPAG is good

Question 3 (i) or (ii): (16 marks + 4 SPAG Question 3 (i) or (ii): (16 marks + 4 SPAG. 24 mins) “INSERT STATEMENT” How far do you agree? Level Description Result L1 1-4 A simple or generalised answer, lacking development and organisation. Limited knowledge of the topic is shown. The overall judgement is missing.   L2 5-8 A simple explanation is given showing limited analysis and with implicit links to the conceptual focus of the question. It shows some development and organisation of material but reasoning is not sustained. Accurate and relevant information is included, showing some knowledge and understanding of the period. Weak overall judgement is given. Maximum 7 marks for answers that do not include a third point L3 9-12 An explanation is given, showing some analysis, which is mainly directed at the conceptual focus of the question. It shows a line of reasoning that is generally sustained, although some passages may lack coherence and organisation. Accurate and relevant information is included, showing good knowledge and understanding of the required features or characteristics of the period studied. The overall judgement is given with some justification. Maximum 10 marks for answers that do not include a third point L4 13-16 An analytical explanation is given which is directed consistently at the question, reasoning is coherent, sustained and structured. Accurate and relevant information is precisely selected to address the question directly, showing wide-ranging knowledge and understanding of the period studied. Overall judgement is clear and justified. No access to L4 for answers that do not include a third point SPAG 1-2 SPAG is poor 3-4 SPAG is good

(16 marks + 4 SPAG. 24 mins) “INSERT STATEMENT” How far do you agree? Some example exam practice Question 3 (i) or (ii). A choice from 2 questions (16 marks + 4 SPAG. 24 mins) “INSERT STATEMENT” How far do you agree? It is strongly advisable to complete this Q3 worth 20 marks, before Q2 worth 12 marks “The threat of invasion was Elizabeth’s main problem when she became Queen in 1558.” How far do you agree? Explain your answer Legitimacy Not being married 2. “Queen Elizabeth dealt with the problems of 1558 successfully.” How far do you agree? Explain your answer The Religious Settlement (1559) The Catholics 3. “Queen Elizabeth’s Religious Settlement solved the problems of religious divisions.” How far do you agree? Explain your answer Puritans Throckmorton Plot (1583) 4. “The Religious Settlement of 1559 did not solve the problem of religion in Elizabethan England.” How far do you agree? Explain your answer The New Church of England The Catholics and the Puritans 5. “The Elizabethan age represented a Golden Age.” How far do you agree? Explain your answer Cultural life Expansion of the empire 6. “Queen Elizabeth dealt effectively with the problem of poverty in England.” How far do you agree? Explain your answer Vagabonds Act (1572) Act for Relief of the Poor (1576) 7. “The Armada was defeated because of superior English tactics.” How far do you agree? Explain your answer Actions of Drake English tactics

(16 marks + 4 SPAG. 24 mins) “INSERT STATEMENT” How far do you agree? Some example exam practice Question 3 (i) or (ii). A choice from 2 questions (16 marks + 4 SPAG. 24 mins) “INSERT STATEMENT” How far do you agree? It is strongly advisable to complete this Q3 worth 20 marks, before Q2 worth 12 marks 8. “The Catholics posed a serious threat to Queen Elizabeth during her reign.” How far do you agree? Explain your answer Actions of Spain Ridolfi Plot (1571) 9. “Political grievances were the main reason for the Revolt of the Northern Earls in 1569-70.” How far do you agree? Explain your answer The Earls of Northumberland and Westmoreland Mary Queen of Scot 10. “The plots to overthrow Queen Elizabeth did not pose a serious threat to her.” How far do you agree? Explain your answer Babington Plot (1586) Mary Queen of Scots 11. “The Babington Plot (1586) was the main cause of the execution of Mary, Queen of Scots.” How far do you agree? Explain your answer Bond of Association (1584) Catholic opposition 12. “Lack of foreign support was the main reason why Catholic revolts and plots against Queen Elizabeth failed.” How far do you agree? Explain your answer Philip of Spain 13. “Religious rivalry rather than commercial or political rivalry caused the war between Spain and England.” How far do you agree? Explain your answer