Mr. Hicks, School Counselor Mrs. Shaw, College & Career Specialist Welcome Class of 2019 Mr. Hicks, School Counselor Mrs. Shaw, College & Career Specialist
Career Center Located 1st floor, Entrance E3, across from House II Mrs Career Center Located 1st floor, Entrance E3, across from House II Mrs. Shaw and Mrs. Hyatt Post-Secondary preparation including help with Naviance Career planning Career & Industry Tours Assessment and Interest tests ACT practice and other test prep opportunities Financial aid and scholarship information College visits from representatives High school transcript requests Letters of Recommendation Military resources
College IS… 2010 Any education beyond high school that results in an earned credential such as a certificate, associate’s degree, bachelor’s degree, and beyond
Counseling Department Academic Support College and Career Planning Personal/Social Support A person at school to connect with throughout the high school journey
Request an appointment with your counselor
Decisions you make today will have an impact on your choices after graduation
What are colleges looking for? High school diploma/GED Rigorous coursework GPA Class rank Involvement in clubs, etc Volunteering/employment SnapChat Streaks 5000+ hours playing Fortnite
Be careful what you post… Employers and College Admission Counselors do check these sites.
What you need to do Tri 1 Check Naviance Messages, College Rep Visits, request letters of recommendation, transcripts, and scholarships Review college admissions requirements and deadlines Take the ACT in October if needed (Sept 28 deadline) Apply online Complete FAFSA
Undecided? Tri 1 Use Naviance activities Attend a college rep visit Do What You Are Career Interest Profiler College SuperMatch Strengths Explorer Attend a college rep visit Attend the national college fair: October 24, 2018 to October 25, 2018 Minneapolis Convention Center Participate in a career or college campus field trip Talk with your parents/school counselor/Career Center
Naviance Demo