Emerging Animal Diseases and Preparedness for Appropriate Responses World Aquaculture 2005 Bali, Indonesia T. Fujita OIE Regional Representative for Asia and the Pacific
Contents Development of livestock sector and Constraints Recent cases and Factors of Emerging Diseases Impacts of Emerging Diseases OIE for World Animal Health Preparedness for Appropriate measures Conclusions
Development of Livestock and Constraints Rapid increase of livestock production to meet the strong demand from consumers, especially in developing countries Expectation of further development of livestock in future Animal diseases; a major obstacle for sound development, especially transboundary/emerging animal diseases Many emerging diseases in the world, including the Asian and Pacific region
Factors for Emerging Diseases Globalization; Rapid increase of travelling & international trade (including unrestricted trade of animals; domestic and wild, and animal products) borderless era Expansion of human population into areas not previously inhabited Environmental changes; Vectors – Arbovirus infections Changes of farming systems; BSE, Nipah Virus Infection, etc. Microbiological adaptation; Avian Influenza, etc
Recent cases of Emerging Diseases -SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome), Avian Influenza, Ebola virus, West Nile virus, Nipah virus, Foot and Mouth Disease, BSE (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy), etc. -A wide variety of animal species; domestic and wild -Most of them; Zoonosis caused by pathogens originating from animals or from products of animal origin
Recent Emerging Diseases in Asia and the Pacific FMD; East Asia by O-Asian Topo type, Taipei China, RO Korea, Japan, Eastern Russia and Mongolia (Great Britain, Ireland, France, the Netherlands, etc.) BSE; Japan (UK, other European countries, Canada, USA, etc.) Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI); Cambodia, PR China, RO Korea, PRD Korea, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam (in Asia) Koi (Carp) Herpes Virus Disease (KHVD); Indonesia, Japan (USA, the Netherlands, etc.) Nipah Virus Infection; Malaysia
Transmission Pathogens; Viruses, bacteria, parasites or prion a) Direct contact or b) Foodborne (consumption of animal products)
Impacts of Emerging Diseases Strong negative impacts on animal productivity and animal resources (deaths), and economic losses (esp. smallholders) Trade in animals and animal products (animal health status) Threats to human health (zoonoses) Socio-economic confusion
OIE for world animal health World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) created in 1924 (Now 167 member countries) Activities of OIE -To ensure transparency in global animal disease and zoonosis situation -To collect, analyse and disseminate scientific veterinary information - To provide expertise and encourage international solidarity in the control of animal diseases (high quality of technical support; OIE Reference Laboratories and Collaborating Centres in the world) - To safeguard world trade by providing international animal health standards, within WTO SPS Agreement (OIE; International Standards Setting Organization) - To improve the legal framework and resources of national Veterinary Services - To provide a better guarantee of the safety of food of animal origin and to promote animal welfare through a science-based approach
Preparedness for Appropriate Responses (1) Nature of TAD/Emerging diseases Effective and challenging measures by Veterinary Services for disease prevention, control and eradication Credibility of the affected country - Transparent and timely notification of animal disease occurrences and animal health information by a country– for country itself (disease control) and for neighboring and trade partners (preparedness) Relationship between trading partners
Preparedness for Appropriate Responses (2) Strengthen National and Regional/International collaboration - for capacity building (diagnosis and surveillance for rapid detection of a new epidemiological event, set-up epidemiological networks to detect, to organize control measures on the effectiveness of domestic programmes, to issue early warning and to reduce emerging diseases/impacts) and also for preparedness and response capacity
Preparedness for Appropriate Responses (3) Strengthen/improve Legal framework (legislation) for further effective prevention and control measures Strengthen animal health/public health infrastructure; e.g. laboratories, research facilities,technology and communication links (training of veterinary staff, and links with well-trained producers, field veterinarians, etc.)
Preparedness for Appropriate Responses (4) Strengthen international or regional research efforts on emerging diseases; to avoid creation of an environment of speculation, fear or mistrust due to lack of scientific knowledge Strengthen linkages and collaboration between animal health and public health authorities (many of emerging diseases; zoonoses, to work closely to reduce health risks in humans and animals) Develop better international standards, guidelines and recommendations to effectively prevent and control animal diseases/zoonoses, including commodities known to be safe
Global Framework for Progressive Control of Transboundary Animal Diseases Joint OIE/FAO Initiative: GF-TADs = Global Framework for the Progressive Control of Transboundary Animal Disease Control Mechanism to endeavour to empower regional alliances in the fight against TADs, to provide for capacity building and to assist in estalishing programmes for the specific control of certain TADs based on regional priorities Regional Steering Committee (Policy makers; Selected CVOs, Reg. Organizations, Donors, etc.) and Permanent Secretariat for Regional Steering Committee at OIE Tokyo Targeted TADs will include FMD, Rinderpest, PPR, CSF, etc.
Conclusions Need to pay more attention to transboundary (emerging) animal diseases, as possible transmission of Emerging diseases in the world Measures to be taken to prevent, control and eradicate such the diseases, including preparedness and capacity building A more global approach to implement Strategies OIE works with member countries for international animal health improvement including Emerging diseases and Preparedness, by providing Scientific information, International Standards, etc.