Proposal Mandate 2007-2009 Increased networking Sharing of Experience Pandivere Estonia Odense Denmark Ribble UK Weser Germany Neisse Poland Zagyva-Tarna Hungary Pinios Greece Gascogne -Garonne France Guadalquivir Spain
Keep on using PRB one-step-ahead for: Populating the Catalogue of Measures, including effects and costs Providing Good examples with documentation on Cost of measures (methods, final cost, cost/benefit) Assessing the effectiveness of measures; linking to agriculture (AEM) experience Documenting experiences in implementation, linking to agriculture experience > contributing to the Article 38 discussion Building on the current experiences to include analysis of pressures from changing farming practices and impact of new technologies Setting up River Basin Management involving all stakeholders Technical pilot
PRB to explore processes and procedures by: Searching and testing new ways of integration and collaboration with the agriculture community, at RB level Creating and collecting experience in public/stakeholder participation. Raising farmers’ awareness and integrating valuable experience within the agricultural sector in the water planning processes. Probing funding mechanism to ensure full implementation and success of PoM. Creating networking to exchange crucial real life experiences and to ensure selection of cost effective solutions all over EU. Operational pilot
Sharing pilot Driver Activities: Networking on agricultural pressures, impact and measures to meet WFD objectives - sharing of experiences on location 5-6 workshops / meetings at different PRB- locations + report 2-3 day duration each Day 1: Special topic (open to wider RB community) Day 2-3: PRB experience and good examples of measures, including excursion Sharing pilot
(measures - effects and costs) Date WORKSHOP Location/host Special Topic (measures - effects and costs) Date AAA Pilot River Basin Manure Management Systems – new technologies Autumn 2007 CCC Pilot River Basin Planning and implementation of measures – involvement of stakeholders Winter 2008 XXX Pilot River Basin Nitrogen leaching and Ammonia vaporization Spring YYY Pilot River Basin Phosphorus leaching Autumn 2008 ZZZ Pilot River Basin Financing of Measures, Cost Effectiveness Analysis (methodology) 2009 NNN Pilot River Basin Pesticides Agricultural measures to fulfil WFD objectives - sharing of experiences on location
Deliverables: 6 open seminars on special topics related to Ag-PoM 6 workshops on good examples with result publishing Web Platform - result exchange - PoM - Good examples
Related to Funding of PRB activity Firm commitment from MS - WD and PRBs (current and new?) is needed in order to be able to start new phase PRB-AG properly!! Related to Funding of PRB activity RRB