Coordinated by JRC RWER Unit Start 09/05 till 12/06 Main Outcome: 7 (9) Pilot River Basins Coordinated by JRC RWER Unit Start 09/05 till 12/06 Main Outcome: >> Identification and prediction of pressures from agriculture, variety of analysis methods >> Adapted technical measures (Catalogue) can be designed, and indications of shortcomings and further options are prepared Pandivere Estonia Odense Denmark Ribble UK Weser Germany Neisse Poland Zagyva-Tarna Hungary Pinios Greece Gascogne -Garonne France Guadalquivir Spain
Joint PRB report: finalized Final output: Joint PRB report: finalized 5 main pressures from agriculture as chapters Problem 1: Nutrient pollution Problem 2: Pesticide pollution Problem 3: Water Quantity Problem 4: Sediments (erosion and P) Problem 5: Habitat loss, physical modifications Analysis methods and design of adapted measures illustrated with PRB case studies
Final output: Joint PRB report Analysis methods >> design of adapted measures: illustrated with PRB case studies Each chapter: 1. Introduction/background 2. Main Outcomes PRB Experiences on analysis PRB Experiences on targeting/measures PRB Experiences indicating areas of attention 3. Case studies Analysis of P&I Related Measures Recommendations
Final output: Joint PRB report Indicators/data-layers requirements and description Catalogue of Measures (structure and examples)
Final output: Joint PRB report open until 30 April 07 May 07 printed and distributed (WD & RBs?)