Budgeting AVID E.O 3/07-3/08
Objective: Understand the importance of maintaining a budget Learn how to create a budget
Prompt: Answer the following on your paper Where do you want to live when you are 30? (city?country?) Where do you want to vacation at? What kind of car do you want? How many hours per day do you want to spend at work? What level of education do you want for yourself?
What is a budget and why do you need one? Take Cornell Notes on the following Prezi presentation (Slides 1-12 only) https://prezi.com/z8s9rrk1vn7q/budgeting/ Then, watch the Bank of America clip on budgeting and write down the 6 steps needed to create your budget https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2s3V25CAAcc