Taylor Jr High Athletics – dec 11 Season III – Co-ed Cross Country, Co-ed Football, and Girls Volleyball Season Dates: January 8 – March 8, 2019 (3rd Quarter)
Introductions Athletic Director Scott Jones (Coach Jones) Team Leader Aaron Rogers Team Leader Bryan Davis If you have questions see the coach first… Coaches 8th Gr. Football – Coach Platt 7th Gr. Football – Coach Morales 8th Gr. Volleyball – Coach Strawn 7th Gr. Volleyball – Coach Villalpando Cross Country – Coach Charles
Taylor sports Web info How do you find info for your son/daughter and their team? First – go to Taylor main website Second – click “Parents” tab at top of site Third – click “Junior High Athletics” on middle of parent page Fourth – choose topic you are looking for… Watch me… http://www.mpsaz.org/taylor/ If you have ANY questions…start with your coach. If that does not work, then come to me. I am privy to all actions by the coaches and teams and can get you an answer. Now, it may not be the answer you are looking for but, it will be an answer.
Taylor Jr. high athletics Where SPORTMANSHIP is an EXPECTATION! Please let the ATHLETES play, the COACHES coach, the OFFICIALS judge, and the SPECTATORS be POSITIVE! These EXPECTATIONS are for both players and parents.
Before tryouts Before your son or daughter may tryout, a parent permission slip must be completed. You should have picked this paper up when you walked in. If the paper is not filled out, students may not participate in tryouts.
Team Tryouts These will begin tomorrow, Dec 12th (in gym or on field) for VB and CC. They will begin on Thursday for football. Each player must turn in a copy of their current report card – YOU MAY NOT print this in the office or the library. Tryouts will last through Friday and MONDAY for football. Each team will consist of a minimum 10-15 players. There will be separate 7th and 8th grade teams for volleyball and football Tryouts and practices are closed to parents - per district ALL team lists will be posted on the bookstore window on Tuesday, December 18th.
Registration directions If your son or daughter makes the team, they will pick up a packet which includes the following: Registration and payment paperwork Emergency contact paper The Taylor Sports Contract and Ride home with parents paper The packet must be submitted by Friday, December 21st. ANY paper not completed will remove the player from the team beginning Tuesday, January 8th. AGAIN, ALL PAPERWORK IS DUE December 21st.
The registration packet must be turned in by December 21st. Payment directions Payment is due at the same time you register your son or daughter. You may do this on-line or in the bookstore. On-line: you may access the site through the Taylor home page link http://www.mpsaz.org/taylor OR directly… https://mpswebpay.mpsaz.org/signin.aspx On-line is easy as your payment is credited immediately The registration packet must be turned in by December 21st.
Registration is tax deductible! If you pay prior to the end of 2018 the registration fee of $75 can be made to ECA and will therefore be tax deductible. AZ has a $1 for $1 tax credit for donations through ECA. It is up to $250 for a single tax payer. Or up to $400 for a joint tax payer (married). If you choose this option please print out and keep your receipt for your taxes just in case the money gets credited to the wrong account. This happens sometimes due to the end of the year rush for tax credit. This not only works for sports fee but for any donation. As a result, even though the registration is only $75, you may donate more and receive the max tax credit. If you choose to donate more please designate it for “Taylor Intramurals.” Please call the bookstore AFTER your child has made the team, for details.
Team Practices Will begin on January 8th, 2019 Practice will end, each day, by 6:30 PM Players will need a ride home Practices will challenge the player to improve the skills they are bringing with them to the team The objective of practices is to give ALL the players opportunities to improve their skills so that Taylor may be competitive in competition – but there is no guaranteed playing time If you ever have questions feel free to contact me! Pictures are scheduled for February 1st – right after school…paperwork will be sent home later.
Player expectations Players will be at school a minimum of 6 out of 8 classes and have few behavior issues (missed classes will result in missed practices or games) 1 Players will have all fees due, to MPS, paid in full 2 Players will attend every practice and game 3 Players will have a ride home from every practice and game 4 Players will ride the bus to and from away games unless a “Ride Home” permission slip is turned in to the bookstore 5 Players will represent their families and Taylor Jr. High with their best effort, behavior, attitude and sportsmanship – at all practices and games (home or away) 6 Players will maintain a ‘C’ or above in every class to remain eligible to practice and play 7
All of these circumstances result in a “No Refund” policy follow through If a player or parent is not able to meet the sportsmanship or school expectations – as explained - there will be follow-through. Follow-through could include, but is not limited to: Suspension from practice (players) Suspension from games (players/parents) Suspension from travel with the team (both) Removal from the team for the current season and possibly the following season (both) All of these circumstances result in a “No Refund” policy
Grade expectations After teams are chosen Players will present their portal grade print out every Monday to their coach. Every class must show a ‘C’ grade or better to be eligible to participate in the practices or games that week Any player that does not turn in a current printed copy of their grades will be deemed ineligible to practice or play that week If a student is absent Monday they will be able to turn in the paper Tuesday. If they don’t - they are ineligible for the week. If a player does not have all classes at or above a ‘C’ they will be ineligible for the Tuesday game. If their grade improves they may become eligible for the Thursday game. Grade expectations Players will have their grades checked every Monday by the Athletic Director (AD). Every class must show a “C” or better in order to be eligible to participate in practices and/or games that week. If a player does not have all classes at or above a “C”, they will be ineligible for the first game that week. If their grade improves, they may become eligible for any remaining game(s) that week. If a player has any “D’s” they may continue to practice but they may not attend or play in games. They are expected to be working to improve the grades in question. If a player has an “F” they are required to go to tutoring and miss both practices and games until their grade recovers.
Why Weekly grade checks? At the junior high level, we are preparing students for the rigors of high school and high school sports. All high schools now have weekly grade checks. Since many of these players desire to play at the next level, it only makes sense for them to learn the responsibilities that come with playing at the next level. If you have individual questions, please see me after the meeting. At this time are there any general questions I may address?
reminders Tryouts begin tomorrow for all teams. Players bring your current grades and any equipment you need. DON’T go buy anything until you make the team. Tryouts end on Friday – teams will be posted on the bookstore window. Practices begin Tuesday, January 8th - for those who make the team. All paperwork/payments due December 21st. Registration is tax deductible through ECA. Grades will be checked every Monday by AD. Players must maintain a “C” in every class. Give your best in all you do! Refer to the athletics website for general questions, schedules, and this presentation. GO TAYLOR!!!! reminders
Break-up to team Sports Volleyball – stay right here Football – to my right XC – back right corner If you have individual questions – See me (Coach Jones) after your meeting with your coach. Thank you for coming! GO TAYLOR!