Effects of substance P fragments on pathological pain Georgy N. Kryzhanovsky, Svetlana I. Igonkina Pathophysiology Volume 6, Issue 3, Pages 179-184 (December 1999) DOI: 10.1016/S0928-4680(99)00012-7
Fig. 1 Effects of substance P (SP) fragments on the spinal pain syndrome. The quantitative values of the six parameters of the spinal pain syndrome have been plotted as radial diagrams. The intensity of each component is expressed as percent of the original value. The figures correspond to the components of the pain syndrome: 1: vocalisation; 2: general motor activity; 3: frequency of pain paroxysms; 4: duration of pain paroxysms; 5: local response (licking and biting of the pain zone); 6: pain response to tactile stimulation. a,b: After intraperitoneal injection of the SP fragments; c,d: after microinjection of the SP fragments into the dorsal raphe nucleus. Pathophysiology 1999 6, 179-184DOI: (10.1016/S0928-4680(99)00012-7)
Fig. 2 Changes in the pattern of spike discharges of the dorsal raphe nucleus neurons after microinjection of the fragment SP5–11 into the nucleus. Circular diagrams demonstrate the percent ratios of neurons with rhythmic (white sector), arrhythmic (pointed sector), and burst (hatched sector) activity patterns in normal (1), 0.9% NaCl-treated (2), and SP5–11-treated rats. Pathophysiology 1999 6, 179-184DOI: (10.1016/S0928-4680(99)00012-7)
Fig. 3 Changes in the frequency of spike discharges of the dorsal raphe nucleus neurons after microinjection of the fragment SP5–11 into the nucleus. The histogram demonstrates the percent ratios of neurons with corresponding bins of spike frequency in normal (white columns), 0.9% NaCl-treated (hatched columns), and SP5–11-treated (dark columns) rats. Abscissa: classes (bins) of mean frequency of spike discharges, spikes/s. Ordinate: percent of neurons with the corresponding bin of mean frequency of spike discharges. Pathophysiology 1999 6, 179-184DOI: (10.1016/S0928-4680(99)00012-7)