Progress report ATG Hymo 1 May – 20 October 2016 SCG meeting 27-28 October 2016 Raimund Mair, European Commission, DG ENV Wouter van de Bund, European Commission, DG JRC
Topic No. Main Focus on Deliverables envisaged in the ATG on Hymo ToR Hymo issues within the ECOSTAT work programme E1 GEP GEP- reports on harmonised environmental requirements and emerging good practices for river/lakes HMWBs (including case studies) – appendix to CIS guidance no 4 - 2018 E2 HYMO ASSESSMENT Hymo assessment methods: Report on best practices in hymo assessment (e.g. typology, pressures, impacts) across scales – spring 2017 E3 LINKS HYMO&BQE Linking hymo and BQEs: Report on best practices for tackling multiple pressures (including hydromorphological pressures) in river/lakes– 2018 E4 TraC HYMO Coastal and Transitional hymo deliverables – tbd (depending on the availability and number of active participants) Flood F1 HYMO in Flood Risk Management Hymo in the Floods Directive: Report on knowledge exchange and key conclusions from workshop – 2018 Policy oriented hymo issues P1 SIGNIFICANT IMPACT ON USE Significant effect on water use, wider environment, prioritisation of measures: workshop with key conclusion report early 2017, update policy paper – end of 2017 P2 OBSTACLES TO IMPLEMENTATION RESTORATION MEASURES Obstacles and good practice examples of managing hymo issues/implementing restoration measures in practise in rives, lakes, coastal and transitional waters, andlinks to other policies/directives Other issues O1 HYMO & CEN Monitor the CEN standardisation processes related to hydromorphology
How is the ATG Hymo organized? Work coordinated by ATG co-leads Technical issues are part of ECOSTAT work program Technical subgroup Hymo assessment and monitoring GEP core groups for different water uses Policy relevant issues are addressed in/with SCG on an ad-hoc basis
GEP inter-comparison (E1) – mitigation measures reports Finalisation of reports on mitigation measures Water storage: final draft circulated, ECOSTAT comments by 3 November, to be published 2016 Flood protection: first draft circulated, ECOSTAT comments by 1 December, consultation also with WG F Main conclusion water storage report: inter-comparison and harmonisation of minimum requirements for GEP is possible
GEP: Case-study based inter-comparison (E1) Next step: Case study based inter-comparison of MS approaches to GEP Start inter-comparison with water storage Test run with few MS (water storage core group) 2016 Workshop on inter-comparison with all MS and stakeholders planned for February 2017
GEP inter-comparison (E1) – drainage and other agricultural uses Work currently pending Continuation requires that some MS are willing to establish a core group to re-start the work
E2. Hymo assessment methods Methodology(s) for HYMO assessment Steps for WFD implementation Assessments based on HYMO methodology ? How do MS consider hymo? How do MS approaches support the different WFD implementation steps?
Hymo assessment methods (E2) Call for nominations for ECOSTAT technical subgroup hydromorphology sent to SCG and WD Experts from 18 MS and NO, TU Missing: BG, CY, GR, HR, LT, LV, MT, NL, PL, SK EEB, Eurelectric, NTG (Navigation Task Group), WWF COM (JRC and ENV), CEN, EEA
Hymo assessment methods (E2) Kick-off meeting 13-14 October in Ispra - 16 countries represented Questionnaire elaborated to collect information on MS hydromorphological assessment methods Workshop spring 2017 discussing questionnaire results Report planned for late spring
Coastal/Transitional hydromorphology (E3) GEP, hydromorphological assessment, links with MSFD, … Work could not be started yet since no volunteers Recommended to establish core group to initiate work on this topic Would require volunteers to launch the activities
Policy oriented hymo issues (P1-2) Initial proposals for topic in the mandate Significant impact on use and related topics Obstacles and good practice managing hymo issues ATG co-leads will work out proposal for discussion at next SCG meeting taking into account experiences with GEP work
SCG invited to Take note of progress on GEP inter-comparison and discuss the proposed next steps Take note that no MS volunteered so far to lead HYMO activities for Coastal and Transitional Waters, as well as on GEP for drainage (agriculture), what is a pre-requisite for launching respective activities Take note of progress on hydromorphological assessment methodologies Take note of the planned way forward for the policy related hymo issues