English Language Exam Board: AQA Paper 1 - 14th Nov PM (1 hr 45 mins) Revisit all topics. Make sure you know relevant terms and theorists where relevant for units that test AO2 Read range of texts - old and new- look at meaning and how ideas are created through language. Plan answers. Read newspapers, columnists, forums, blog, magazine articles etc Go through old essays. Repeat sections. Practise hitting appropriate AOs and working on weaknesses Keep working hard on coursework. Make sure you work with all data and keep going back to improve sections. Keep on top of both sections of coursework and keep loading with staff. Remember everything we do is about language so make sure you really focus on language terms and features in all sections. Revise all terms really thoroughly. Know you grammar. Use online grammar sites to revise. Look on AQA website and look at markschemes and examiners’ reports. They will help you to focus on key areas in questions. Practise – practise – practise! Work hard and use class time really well. Work to your best ability. Revisit class notes and really make sure that you complete all revision tasks on time. Exam Board: AQA Paper 1 - 14th Nov PM (1 hr 45 mins) Paper 2 - 22nd Nov AM (2 hrs 30 mins) Assessment components Paper 1 – Language Individual and society – 70 marks Paper 2 – Language Diversity and Change – 100 marks Useful websites for revision AQA website – assessment docs http://www.englishbiz.co.uk/mainguides/a-level_frameworks.htm Youtube – Tedtalks – Google language topics
English Literature Exam Board: AQA Paper 1 - 13th Nov AM (3 hr) Know your texts inside and out. Make sure you know which text is in which section of the exam paper. Review your approach to planning and practise formulating clear lines of argument. Know your terminology for analysis, remembering to consider language, structure and form. Ensure you know appropriate context for each of the texts studied. Practice not just recalling the information but consider what it adds to the text being studied. Develop your wider reading by considering the work of theorists and critical reviews of the texts studied. Plan how you can develop from these, or challenge, in your own writing. Go through old essays. Re-write weaker sections, review your use of the AOs throughout your response. Practice sample responses and get these marked by your class teacher. Try a range of approaches for revision to find what works best for you: mind maps, flashcards, quizzes, highlighted notes. Keep working hard on coursework. Ensure you have a clear line of argument, plan and begin to draft sections. Keep in contact with staff on your progression. Look on AQA website and look at mark schemes and examiners’ reports. They will help you to focus on key areas in questions. Use your time wisely and keep practicing! Exam Board: AQA Paper 1 - 13th Nov AM (3 hr) Paper 2 - 23rd Nov AM (2 hrs 30 mins) Assessment components Paper 1 – Love through the Ages – 75 marks Paper 2b – Texts in Shared Contexts – 75 marks Useful websites for revision AQA website – assessment docs Get Revising – A Level – English Literature Spark Notes – English Literature