Women: The future of Africa By Dot Bekker
Women: The future of Africa My Story: Dot Bekker Born & raised in Zimbabwe Lived in South Africa, UK, Portugal, Luxembourg, Spain … (37 years) Worked with many women’s organisations 2 Years ago things changed Bought a van – BlueBelle Converted her to a camper Leaving in September for Africa Decided to start an organisation to educate girls to high school. Making a documentary 2
Women: The future of Africa My Route home: 20,000 km 20+ countries +/- 20,000kms 20+ Countries 3
Women: The future of Africa 4
Women: The future of Africa 5
Women: The future of Africa RESOURCES OF AFRICA Gold Diamonds Oil Wildlife Nature Women … 6
Women: The future of Africa Women in Europe 100 years ago No education No vote No property rights No right to be represented in government or council 100 Years later Vote Prime Ministers Personal wealth rights Company Directors How? … EDUCATION! 7
Women: The future of Africa STATISTICS Women are approx. 50% 46% of women vs 76% of men earn income in Africa Girls have an average of 5 years education 27million girls in Sub-Sahara Africa cannot read. 70% of women responsible for food production 15% of women own land (less than Westerners and Corporates) Most countries women work but do not earn equal to men. 8
Women: The future of Africa Educating girls and women can yield the best investment returns in the developing world and provide enormous economic benefits. … reduce environmental pollution, fertility rates, female mortality and prevent the spread of AIDS. ~Lawrence H Summers World Bank 1994 9
Women: The future of Africa The Benfits of Educating Girls Better birth and population control, less unsafe abortion Reduced child mortality Reduced teenage pregnancy Reduce Female Genital Mutilation Reduce AIDS & other diseases Improved economic growth More effective companies & business Increase the GDP Women contribute back more to their community 10
Women: The future of Africa WHY NOW! The Population of Africa 2018 - 1.287bn 2050 - 2.4bn Double the women without education … double the problem! 11
Women: The future of Africa 4 KEYS to change Encourage girls to want education and see their potential The support of men, especially those in positions of influence, to open channels and support equality. Equality does not mean less for men, just more for everyone. Laws to support gender equality and protect women’s rights, property and personal security. Opportunity – having the funds and ability to implement programs for change 12
Women: The future of Africa The documentary – Women of Africa 20+ countries Stories of REAL women Demonstrating women’s success Influencing change Inspiring girls Showing governments & leaders 13
Women: The future of Africa The biggest barrier to Education POVERTY Many children have been left alone or with one parent due to AIDS and are being raised by Grandparents who are poor and without education themselves. The death toll to AIDS has been 17million people in Africa 14
If a man neglects education, he walks lame into life … Plato Give a girl hope From €250 per year a girl can go to high school www.kusasa.africa 15
The Future El futur Women, changing the face of Africa Dones, canviant la cara d´Àfrica www.kusasa.africa 16
Women: The future DOT BEKKER The Journey www.goinghometoafrica.com We are like dwarves on the shoulders of giants, so that we can see more than they and things at a greater distance, not by virtue of any sharpness of sight on our part, or any physical distinction, but because we are carried high and raised up by their giant size. ~ Bernard de Chartres French Philosopher c1130 Women: The future DOT BEKKER The Journey www.goinghometoafrica.com Facebook / Instagram : @goinghometoafrica The Girls www.kusasa.africa Facebook / Instagram : @kusasa.africa 17
Women: The future Sources: UN Women UNESCO United Nations World Bank African Bank WomenThrive.org African Origin of Civilisation World Population Review World Ometers African Resource Centre Wikipedia 18
Concert Concert A Taste of Africa 31/08 – La Cabana – 19.00 €10 – including a welcome drink Concert A Taste of Africa 31/08 – La Cabana – 19.00 €10 – inclou una beguda de benvinguda www.kusasa.africa 19