The act of dying The act of death The act of what follows What do they all mean?
What is death? Is it different to what we commonly believe? I argue death is quite different to what most people conceive it to be and furthermore it can be secularly explained. I believe that death is the process of information transfer. I believe we were conceived with information entwined within chemicals, we lived our entire lives acquiring and utilizing new information and when we die we take this life acquired information with us as well. This includes the information we were originally conceived with as well as inherent life knowledge contained therein. In other words my following words are about how we conceive and manage information including that when we are in the act of dying. These words accord with wider views I have elected to share with you in this area in the blogs titled “Exactly what is he fourth dimension?”, “Is there such a thing as objective reality?” and “My Cosmological Pantry”. I will not attempt to engage in wider argument about death from these three areas but I feel it is appropriate for you to keep these words in mind as I have a brief talk about dying and death. For those who may have an inquisitive interest in this important area of life I also urge you to read another blog in my website titled “Inspiration and Intuition”. This blog does not specifically address the subject of death but it does render insight into the mysterious world most of us ponder about following our loss of consciousness. In other words it can be seen as a conditioning entrée to what follows.
At this point it is appropriate you read the quotation about dying I have inserted into a slide. It was written by the eminent Indian philosopher Benjamin Walker. I think Walker does a fine job in describing the art of dying and draws together many facets of the experience most of us have already heard about or speculate about, more especially in religious type settings. As you read keep in mind my words about our life experiences as being merely of information flow and transfer. Each word Walker talks about in his presentation must be linked to information and in this sense so is not only the act of dying but also the moment of death and events immediately thereafter. I suggest when we die we slowly move from a state of consciousness to a state of complete awareness and this sense of total awareness is also an awareness of what we were conscious of when we died. In other words I am saying when we die knowledge and information we acquired during our lifetime moves onto other places where, within this locality, we are aware of all things we so choose to and three dimensional spatial limitations to our perception of things no longer applies. In other words we metaphorically become as one with the cosmos or as I nominate it to be, wider reality. It could be said when we die we revert to some sort of aetheric entity that has specific bar code meanings rather than any materialist characteristics. Readers will find my notion of a fourth dimension is the metaphorical home of our entwined information and knowledge barcodes once we revert to being merely a unique pattern of awareness within infinite pattern of awareness. Readers who may care to know more about my theory could find material in my blog titled “Why we will never understand reality” of interest, more particularly the debate I bring forward about morphic fields on page 12. Once again you may see the parallel nature of my own ideas about death and dying and those presented by Benjamin Walker.
Although my wider argument is strictly a secular one, this does not preclude the messages traditional religious and spiritual beliefs promote. I feel this type of debate enhances their respective messages as it provides an identifiable frame of reference people can think about and pay respect to as they live out their lives. I am not capable of extending this line of thinking as it would compel me to share my own speculative ideas in this area, areas that are not secular in nature. These words imply I do not think much more differently than most of my readers about these sorts of matters, including the concept of a deity and more specialized (enlightened) patterns of barcodes that promoters of religious and spiritual movements bring forward as being saintly and otherwise very special indeed. In other words some patterns of barcodes are deserving of much more reverence and respect from us than others and our own bundle of life information melds quite neatly into all others, whether it be in my concept of a fourth dimension or not. This does not necessarily mean they are harmoniously compatible. My original thesis about reality speculated we originated from nothing and return to nothing when we die. Walker says “…during the moments immediately preceding death all physical energy is withdrawn, there is a growing stupor, sensibility evaporates, awareness surrounding us is lost and there is a swooning drift into nothingness.” Once again I draw your attention to the contents of my blog “Exactly what is the fourth dimension?”. The contents are self explanatory. They are also about nothing. © Jonathon Freeman 13/4/14