The True Life of Billy the Kid By Dicey Schauer & Chase Stewart
. Written by Don Jenardo Published August 29, 1881 Pseudonym for Illion Constellano Published August 29, 1881 Published by Frank Tousey's Five Cent Wide Awake Library No. 451 16 pages .
Henry McCarty aka William H. Bonney aka Billy the Kid September 17, 1859 – July 14, 1881 Born in New York, New York Shot and killed by Pat Garret in Fort Sumner, New Mexico
Plot Billy grows up in New Mexico, sets off to find work when his father dies and his mother remarries Shot his first man in front of one of his love interests Commits a series of crimes that leads to him joining bandit group Joins the Lincoln County War as a cattle thief, kills three men involved in the war Murders Sheriff Brady and gets put in jail and escapes Is shot by Pat Garret ending his devilish endeavors
Theme: Labor & Class Billy was born to a poor family Was constantly looking for work to survive His looks and character were often described “...exceedingly small for his age...” “Billy was a delicate looking child, with a thin pale face, slender frame, light blue eyes, and fair hair.” “His voice was soft and effeminate, his hands, though exposed to the wind and weather, always seemed as soft as a woman’s.” “With a devilish grin on his face, the Kid drew his pistol and aimed it directly at the head of the kneeling man.” “...strange looking cuss...” “All through the Lincoln County War no man was as blood-thirsty or faithful to the cause of his employer than the youth Billy.”
Works Cited Burns, Walter Noble. The Saga of Billy the Kid: The Thrilling Life of America's Original Outlaw. New York: Skyhorse, 2014. Print. Jenardo, Don. The True Life of Billy the Kid. [Facsimile reprint] [Brooklyn: Dime Novel Club, 19.