A Portrayal of Portraits Artists of the Times Evan Sauve
Leonardo da Vinci I was born April 15th, 1452 in Vinci, Republic of Florence (present-day Italy). I am known as both a genius and a procrastinator. I’m known for having drawn out blueprints for many technologies that were never developed, as well as for painting The Vitruvian Man and Lady with an Ermine. I am more well-known for painting the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper.
Michelangelo I was born March 6th, 1475 in Caprese, Republic of Florence (present-day Italy). My work led to the art movement known as Mannerism. I am known for portraying scenes from the biblical book of Genesis and painting The Last Judgment on the ceiling and altar wall of the Sistine Chapel, respectively. I am also known for my sculptures. Pieta and David are my works.
Raphael I was born March 28th, 1483 or April 6th, 1483 in Urbino, Marche, Italy. Many of my works are found in the Vatican Palace. Along with Michelangelo and da Vinci, I form the traditional trinity of master of High Renaissance period of art history. My best known work is The School of Athens.
Rembrandt I was born July 15th, 1606 in Leiden, Dutch Republic (now Netherlands). I was alive during the Dutch Golden Age. Most of my paintings were portraits of myself and my contemporaries, and portrayals of scenes from the Bible. My works made use of chiaroscuro, a theatrical contrast between light and darkness. My works include Belshazzar’s Feast, The Night Watch, Bathsheba at Her Bath and Syndics of the Draper’s Guild.
Claude Monet I was born November 14th, 1840 in Paris, France. I became so interested in painting the French skylines that I often painted the same scenes many times in order to capture the changing light and passing seasons. I am the founder and most prolific practitioner of the Impressionism art movement, which involved abandoning fine detail for general overall impression. Impression, soleil levant (Impressionism, sunrise) is one of my works, and is where the art movement got its name from. My works also include Water Lilies and Haystacks.
Pierre-Auguste Renoir I was born February 25th, 1841 in Limoges, Haute-Vienne, France. I was a celebrator of beauty, especially feminine sensuality. My works include Bal du moulin de la Galette, Luncheon of the Boating Party and Nude.
Vincent van Gogh I was born March 30th, 1853 in Zundert, Netherlands. I lived a short life, dying from a gunshot at the age of 37. Though it has not been proven, it is generally accepted that the shot was self-inflicted. At the time of my death, much of my work was unappreciated. My work, however, had a far-reaching influence on the 20th century. My works include Portrait of Dr. Gachet, Sunflowers, Bedroom in Arles and Starry Night. I am more well-known for allegedly cutting off my ear.
Pablo Picasso I was born October 25th, 1881 in Malaga, Spain. Along with being a painter, I was a sculptor, printmaker, stage designer, poet and playwright. I co-founded the Cubist movement, which involved abandoning a conventional depiction of perspective and angle. Because of this, I am one of the most well-known 20th century artists. My works include Les Desmoiselles d’Avignon, Guernica and The Weeping Woman.
Salvadore Dali I was born 11 May 1904 in Catalonia, Spain. Along with being a painter, I was a photographer and film-maker. I popularized surrealism, which involved dream-like, nonsensical distortions of recognizable objects. Because of this, I am one of the most well-known 20th century artists. My works include Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee Around a Pomegranate a Second Before Awakening and The Persistance of Memory.
Frida Kahlo I was born 6 July 1907 in Mexico City. I mainly painted portraits, focusing mainly upon depictions of myself with nature elements, presenting myself as Gaia/Mother Earth, giver and maintainer of all life. I often used traditional Mexican folk art techniques to make works which foregrounded Hispanic, female and lesbian culture. My works include Self-portrait on the Borderline Between Mexico and the United States and Self-Portrait with Thorn Necklace and Hummingbird.
Andy Warhol I was born August 6, 1928 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Along with being a painter and sculptor, I was involved in all possible media, including video, photography, music and film and was an avante guard celebrity during the 1960s. I survived being shot in the chest by Valerie Solanas, a crazed feminist activist, art critic and published author/playright. I popularized the mass producing of simple art based around pop culture and consumerism. Because of this, I am one of the most well-known 20th century artists. My works include Marilyn Diptych and Campbell’s Soup Cans.