Comparing Medieval Art and Renaissance Art
MIDDLE AGES RENAISSANCE Subject Matter How are the subjects made to look? Emotions artist is trying to evoke (remind)
Characteristics of Renaissance Art Humanism- philosophy used by Renaissance artists that focuses on human values and concerns and emotions. Features of Humanism -Nude bodies in the perfect form -Balance of subjects in paintings (symmetrical) -Mirror Greek and Roman ideals Perspective- technique used by painters to make objects in a painting that are further away are smaller and lose focus.
Middle Ages or Renaissance Art? Significance Subject is religious (death of Jesus), but is more about a mother who has lost a child. “La Pieta” Created By Michaelangelo
Middle Ages or Renaissance Art? The Last Supper Created by Leonardo Da Vinci Significance Artist uses balance and perspective to draw your eye to the figure in the middle
Middle Ages or Renaissance Art? Artist Unknown
Middle Ages or Renaissance Art? Significance First statue of a horse in over 1,000 years “The Gattamelata” Created By Donatello funded by the Medici Family
Middle Ages or Renaissance Art? Significance Subject is an average person. Artist makes you wonder if she is happy or upset. La Giocando Created by Leonardo Da Vinci
Middle Ages or Renaissance Art? Sketches of a helicopter Created by Leonardo Da Vinci
Middle Ages or Renaissance Art? Significance Subject represents the perfect human form. Similar to Greeks and Romans “David” Created By Michaelangelo
Middle Ages or Renaissance Art? Significance Artist shows an interest in classical Greece. “School of Athens” Created By Rafael
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