Are you a bunny? By Lauren Bendo
Appearance Are you a bunny? If you are ,you can be black, brown, white or a mixture. You are 24 inches long and weigh 12 pounds
Habitat You live in deserts, swamps, marshes, forests, grasslands and prairies. Your legs help you dig burows in the ground.
Eating Habits Wherever you go you will eat plants and vegetation .
Rabbits in the wild The other thing you can do is play havoc in some ones garden. A human may see you in the wild. If they do you might try to bite or scratch them. Watch out for dogs, foxes, raccoons, weasels, bobcats, hawks and eagles.
Rabbits as Pets Humans can have you for pets. Some of the reasons are because you are active and playful. Are you a bunny?