One Life: Live with Confidence!
There is only one proven way to know the future, and that is to look to the One who is already there.
There are more than _____ fulfilled prophecies in the Old Testament. He ______ the future. A. Fulfilled prophecies from the Old Testament. knows There are more than _____ fulfilled prophecies in the Old Testament. 1,500
B. Fulfilled prophecies related to His promised Messiah. He knows the future. B. Fulfilled prophecies related to His promised Messiah. The Old Testament contains ___ prophecies related to God’s promised Messiah. 333
The Messiah would: Be born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2)
The Messiah would: Be born of a virgin (Isaiah 7:14)
The Messiah would: Perform miracles (Isaiah 35:4-6)
Ride into Jerusalem on a donkey’s colt while people rejoiced The Messiah would: Ride into Jerusalem on a donkey’s colt while people rejoiced (Zechariah 9:9)
The Messiah would: Be called God (Isaiah 9:6-7)
The Messiah would: Be rejected by men (Isaiah 53:1-3)
The Messiah would: Be betrayed by a friend for 30 pieces of silver (Psalm 41:9) for 30 pieces of silver (Zechariah 11:12-13)
The Messiah would: Be spat upon and beaten (Isaiah 50:6)
The Messiah would: His hands and feet would be pierced (Psalm 22:16)
He would die for our sins The Messiah would: He would die for our sins (Isaiah 53:4-6)
II. He ______ the future. shows A. The Rapture B. The Second Coming C. The New Heaven and New Earth
God’s future prophecies are given so that we can know and be prepared for these future events.
If you are wanting peace in your future, look to the One who is already there.
Look to the One who is already there.