ProEthica™ Assessment: Ethics for the Professional Educator A series of training modules and assessments Copyright © 2014 ETS. All rights reserved.
Addressing Ethics in Education Ethical decision making is at the heart of effective teaching practice Teachers make hundreds of ethical decisions per day – the majority of which are grey Critical need for tools to help teachers make ethical decisions before the damage is done We’ve been working closely with the GaPSC on a product that can be leveraged across the nation.
ProEthica Assessment: Ethics for the Professional Educator What is our Solution? ProEthica Assessment: Ethics for the Professional Educator A series of training modules and assessments A self-guided, coordinated learning progression Packed with engaging and authentic scenarios Customizable Affordable, paid for by the learners Taken online, on the learner’s computer or tablet
End-of-Module Tests Several of the modules have an end-of-module test. Objective questions with a single best answer Some scenario-based questions Questions are related to topics covered in the module Sample Question: A professional educator exchanging humorous e-mails with a student should consider the potential risks such exchanges pose to which of the following ethical best practices? Maintaining appropriate teacher-student boundaries Being proactive about issues and speaking up appropriately Keeping current on relevant developments in educational technologies End-of-module tests are configurable. Also have the option of an end-of-course summative test
Video Scenarios
Reflect and Evaluate
Extensive Feedback
Scenario-Based Mini-Games .
Branching Scenario
High-Level Timeline Q4 2014 Q1 2015 Q2 2015 Q3 2015 Georgia Program Exit version launched Georgia Program Entry version launched NASDTEC Model Code of Ethics to be released Q4 2014 Q1 2015 Q2 2015 Q3 2015 Continuous enhancements and research Modified version available for other states Georgia Leadership version to launch ETS to release a version aligned to Model Code of Ethics
2015 Enhancements Content User Experience New Video Scenarios, including a new branching scenario More written scenarios Refreshed resources Cognitive lab will inform other content enhancements User Experience Additional bookmarks in modules Navigation improvements Usability study will inform other UXD enhancements
Support for EPPs Results of the end-of-module tests are provided to the state and the learner’s designated Institutions via ETS’s Data Manager. These results can help guide your instruction on educator ethics. Will be presenting a demo of the GA Ethics Assessment at AACTE
Please contact Jessica Stern ( Or Questions? Please contact Jessica Stern ( Or Lisa Hedrick