Penance/ Reconciliation


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Presentation transcript:

Penance/ Reconciliation Sacraments of Healing Penance/ Reconciliation

Sacrament of Pardon & Peace Sins committed after Baptism can be forgiven Reconciliation with God and the community is possible Everything we do, good or bad, affects our relationship with God, others and self It is a Sacrament of Conversion Confession Forgiveness Penance Reconciliation

Sin Sin An deliberate offense in thought, word, action or omission that goes against the will of God Mortal A serious sin, so contrary to the will of God that it results in complete separation from God and his grace. Serious matter Full knowledge Full consent Venial A less serious sin that diminishes one’s personal character and weakens but does not rupture one’s relationship with God Concupiscence The weakness toward sin that is a consequence of original sin

Forgiveness Jesus has the authority to forgive sin, He is God Through Apostolic Succession that authority is passed down to the bishops and through them to the priests “I will give you the keys to the kingdom, whatever you bind on earth shall be bound also in heaven, whatever you loose on earth will be loosened in heaven” (Matt 16: 19-20) “Receive the Holy Spirit. Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them, whose sins you retain are retained” (Jn 20: 22-23)

Historical Background Jesus urged repentance and conversion and invited all people to share in his relationship with the father. As a result the basis of this sacrament is found in the words and actions of Jesus In the early Church Reconciliation was granted only after public penance which lasted for years Only for grave or mortal sin Only once in a lifetime In the 7th century there was a movement toward a more private form of penance that was available as needed. In the Eastern Churches this was their practice and when some Irish monks heard of this thy began to spread this practice in the western Church as well. Now both venial and mortal sins could be forgiven in on celebration

Rite of Penance & Reconciliation Our part: Contrition or repentance Examination of conscience Confession Telling the sins to the priest Intention to repair the wrong (reparation) An Act of Penance The Priest’s part Absolution Essential Elements Sign of the Cross Words of absolution The Seal of Confession; The priest is bound in a very serious way to keep all confessions secret.

Communal Celebration Celebrates Liturgy of the Word Examination of Conscience Individual confession Hymn or psalm of thanksgiving Concluding prayer In an emergency situation the communal celebration of Reconciliation with general confession and general absolution is possible

Effects Forgives all sin Reconciles us with God Reconciles us with the Church Reduction of the punishment for sin Peace & serenity of conscience; spiritual consolation Increased strength for the spiritual battle Life of ongoing conversion