Catholicism: Sacred Times Tristan Angermaier Ivan Brea Mark Briggs Samuel Garnica Marcos Figueroa-Casas
Sacred Times Overview Catholic Calendar is center around the LIFE, DEATH, MINISTRY, and RESURRECTION of Jesus Celebrations are DAILY, MONTHLY, and ANNUALLY. Sacred Times have power to sanctify life. (Sacraments) SUNDAY is a holy day for ALL Christians. “Little Easter.” Many Christians separate celebrations into CHRISTMAS and EASTER CYCLES.
The Christmas Cycle One leg of the two common cycles in Christian Holidays. Separated into: Advent Christmas Epiphany
ADVENT Catholic Calendar begins in first Sunday of Advent. Advent means “coming” Many Christians celebrate the “coming” of Jesus. Time of preparation for SECOND COMING of Jesus. Eastern Rites Church celebrates “NATIVITY FAST” Begins on Nov. 14th 40 days before Christmas Celebrations usually includes lighting candles on a wreath 4 candles 3 purple 1 pink Candles sequentially lit on each Sunday on the 4 weeks in Advent.
CHRISTMAS Celebrates the BIRTH of JESUS CHRIST, the Son of God Majorly celebrated by Christians on DECEMBER 25th Some Orthodox Churches celebrates it on JANUARY 7th Jesus’ real date of birth is unknown Celebrated on Dec. 25th to contrast pagan winter solstice celebration of the Unconquered Sun.
EPIPHANY Celebrated 12 DAYS after Christmas Epiphany derived from GREEK word for “MANISFESTATION” and “REVELATION” Deeply correlated with 3 crucial events of Jesus’ life. BIRTH, BAPTISM, and FIRST MIRACLE at the weeding feast in Cana. Where Jesus revealed himself to the world. In West, Epiphany and Christmas two separate celebrations because Jesus’ birth began to overshadow His baptism and His first miracle.
The Easter Cycle Three important parts that lead us as Christians to the holiest day of the year 40 days of lent The Triduum Easter
LENT Lent is one of the most important times of the year as we as Christians prepare for the coming of Christ Lent comes from old English word meaning “spring time” The 40 days of lent symbolizes the 40 days Jesus spent in the desert Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on before the Triduum. Christians prepare for Easter by praying, and fasting from certain pleasures to help us focus on God and growing in our faith
EASTER Easter is the holiest day for Christians. it celebrates Christ’s resurrection from the dead. Many Christians celebrate it annually on the first Sunday after the full moon of spring. The Catholic, Orthodox, and Anglican church all have an Easter vigil service on Holy Saturday evening. These services recall •the darkness of the tomb of Jesus •Christ’s breaking forth from the tomb •Jesus bringing light to the world Other protestant churches participate in holding an Easter Sunrise service that will begin during night time (darkness) and continue as sun rises into the morning. This symbolizes that Jesus is the Son who rose from dead.
PENTACOST Pentecost means “fiftieth day” Events found in Acts of the Apostles states that the Holy Spirit descended on the Apostles and Mary like “tongues of fire” - Enabled disciples to go out and speak the “good news” in tongues - Thousand of Jews were converted on that day *Pentecost is known as the birthday of the Church
Sacraments of Initiation Sacraments – “Outward and effective sign of the Church given by Christ to give Grace”. - Are signs that transmit the grace of God to the recipient through a material object (e.g. water, bread, wine or oil) Baptism- Only Sacrament recognized by ALL Christians - Sacrament that initiates the individual into the Christian community. - Anglicans, Catholic, Orthodox: Infant Baptism – Some Protestants: Believer Baptism Eucharist- fulfills Jesus’ Last Supper command to break bread and share wine in his memory - Catholics, Orthodox, others: Full Presence Confirmation- Holy Spirit gives increased ability to practice faith and witness Christ in every situation. Sacraments are sacred times for Christians and unlike feast days or holy days, not tied to a particular season
Sacraments of Healing And service - Penance and Reconciliation: We are asked to repent and receive God’s forgiveness for our sins through the absolution of the priest - Anointing of the Sick: Unites a sick’s persons suffering with the suffering of Jesus Sacraments of Service: - Matrimony: A couple is united under the eyes of God and represents the union between Christ and His Church - Holy Orders: Men become either priests or deacons in order to represent Christ and represent the Church
Prayer Prayer is a two-way conversation between an individual and God, or a community and God. Prayer is a sacred occasion for Christians Prayer can vary! - Informal or formal - Long or short - verbal or silent - Can involve singing - Different postures and time - Bible contains a number of prayers such as The Lord’s Prayer which was taught be Jesus and is common among all Christians
1. The Christian Celebration are separated into how many cycles? QUIZ TIME!! 5. What are the Sacraments of Initiation? 2. The word Advent means what? 4. What is the Holiest day in the Christian calendar? 3. When is Christmas celebrated in the majority of Christian religions?