Word Components:
Word Components: Level 1 (usually known in elementary grades) Prefixes ex- pre- re- un- dis- non- im- mis- mini- maxi-
Word Components: Level 2 (usually known in intermediate grades) Prefixes co-; con-; com- syn-; sym- in-; en- (into) sub-; sup- e- a-; ab- inter- intra- mono- uni- bi-; tri-; quad-, etc. cent-; milli-; mega- poly-; multi- omni- trans- semi- bio-; geo-; eco-
Word Components: Level 3 (usually known in high school) Prefixes pseudo- demi- endo-; ecto- pro- per- peri- hemi- ob- bene- mal- photo- nom- ig- muni- contra- philo-
Common Word Roots for Academic Subjects: Often combine with: sub- re- pro- ex- ob- per- de- a-; ab- co- con- e- trans- ex- Often end with: -ive -ation; sion -ate -able; ible -or Basic: -ject (to throw) -port (to carry) -scrip, scribe (to write) -vert, vers (to turn) -pos, pon (to place) -tract (to draw) -pel, pul (to drive) -struct (to build) -grad, gress (to step) -plic, plex (to fold) -flic, flex (to bend) -fic, fac (to make) -miss, mit (to send) -sid, sed (to sit) -spec (to see) -voc (to call) -dict (to say) -rupt (to break) Case against teaching word roots: Many words have wandered away from their roots: ex: mortgage; torture; vocation, adverse Some word roots have multiple forms: Case for teaching word roots 1. The more information you have about a word, the more likely you are to remember it 2. The more you can associate words with their look-alikes, the deeper your understanding 3. Root meanings reveal “deep truths” about a word
Common Word Roots for Academic Subjects: Advanced: -cad, -cas,-cid (to fall) -dyna (force; power) -magn (great; large) -quir, -quis (to seek) -gen (race, kind origin) -cham, -cam (vault) -cen (to judge) -doc, -dox (to think) -greg (to flock) -cau (to burn) -ess, -sent (to exist) -close, -clud, -clus (to close) -mand, -mend (to order) -junct (to join) -jur, -jus (to swear) -lith (stone) Often combine with: sub- re- pro- ex- ob- per- de- a-; ab- ne- con- e- trans- ex- Often end with: -ive -ation; sion -ate -able; ible -or -ize -ence, ance -ary
tract- port- pel- script- cred- spec- duct- struct- Word Components Chart II <Slide 14: Print as full page> Write the words that you’ve heard of that would logically fill in the chart. (Note: Not all of the blanks should be filled in.) -tion -ment -able -ible -er, or -ence -ance tract- attraction contractor port- vert- pel- struct- script- cred- spec- duct-
pre- re- un- a, ab- sub- de- pro- ob- con- Word Components Chart I <Slide 13: Print as full page> Word Components Chart I Write the words that you’ve heard of that would logically fill in the chart: (Note: Not all the blanks should be filled in.) -tract -struct -port -verse -pel pre- re- report un- a, ab- averse sub- subtract de- pro- propel ob- con- construct
10 Key Words: These 10 words display enough word components (prefix, suffix, root) to form at least 10,000 words. INTERMITTENT REFLECT SUBTRACT COMPLIANCE CORRESPONDENT PROPELLER TRANSPORTATION DESTRUCTIVE PERSPECTIVE