Nautilus Marine Insurance Australian Sailing Program Presented by Trish Flaherty State Manager SA/NT at Nautilus Marine Insurance Adelaide, Australia
Topics To Cover › About Nautilus › Nautilus Product Suite › Australian Sailing Club Insurance Program › Questions
About Nautilus Marine Insurance › Nautilus Marine was formed in April 2005. › September 2013 corporate entity name change to NM Insurance Pty Ltd, still trading as Nautilus. › Nautilus Marine authorised AIG cover holder, full cover binding and claims authorities held. › Over 47,000 policy holders nationwide. › Employing over 50 staff, Australia and New Zealand. “We are the fastest growing Marine Insurance Agency in Australia.” › Preferred panel providers to Australia’s largest insurance Broker Cluster groups as well as multi nationals. “These partnership provide support and value for our partners, and Nautilus”
Strengths of Nautilus Marine › Claims Service – Nautilus Marine is committed to providing first class claims service, with the following service standards: › Appointment of assessors within 24 hours of receipt of a claim form. › Claim payments within 7 working days of signed discharge. › 24 hour/ 7 day emergency claim service. › Pricing – Our focus is to build and maintain our core competency of underwriting. Our pricing philosophy is to ensure that the price adequately reflects the risk. › Access to our expert staff – The Nautilus Marine Executive Team have between them 100 years of Pleasure Craft insurance experience. It is this experience that will be provided to the clubs to ensure the best service for their members. › Innovation - We are constantly seeking new ways to improve how we do business and we will continue to focus on this into the future with ebusiness. › The Helm App › Bi-monthly magazine
Nautilus Marine Support › Nautilus Marine provide support to Australian Sailing by tailored insurance products and corporate support of the following: › Tailored insurance products for Australian Sailing, Commercial Lines, PA Cover, Liability & Pleasure Craft.
About Nautilus Marine Insurance › Marine Hull Insurance › Off The Beach Dinghies – Autocover › Overseas Regatta & Transit Cover › Insurance programs for Sailing Clubs – Business Insurance and Liability Insurance for your Club › Purchased via your Insurance Broker › Multi line insurance program protecting the assets of the club, as well as liabilities for the activities undertaken. › Protection of assets under: › Material damage wordings for land based assets, buildings, stock, contents. Other events included in cover: › Burglary / theft, accidental damage, money, removal of debris › Material damage cover for over water assets, wharves, jetties. › Material damage cover for rescue and club used watercraft
Nautilus Marine Insurance – AS Products and Services › Liability cover for: › Club related activities, public and products liability, including regatta organisation and watercraft usage (exclusive AS Wording) › Class Association Liability Insurance › Liability Insurance for Accredited Training Centres › Insurance for Australian Sailing Accredited Sailing Instructors & Coaches
Nautilus Marine Insurance – Member Personal Accident › AS members automatically covered for accidents that occur. › Part of membership, purchased by AS, no cost to member/club/association › Broad limits, summary of cover included: Death & Permanent Disablement A lump sum benefit is payable in the event of death or a Permanent Disability. The scale of benefits is defined in the policy. The death benefit is $75,000 for members aged up to 85 years old and $10,000 for members under 18. Non Medicare Medical Expenses Reimburses up to 100% of Non-Medicare medical expenses up to a maximum of $5,000 subject to a $50 excess. Claimable expenses are private hospital bed and theatre fee, ambulance, net of any recoveries from private health insurance. Cover is limited to expenses incurred within 12 months from the date of injury. Physiotherapy Benefit Reimburses between 75% to 95% of costs incurred up to a maximum of $30 – $45 per visit up to a maximum of $750. Cover is limited to expenses incurred within 12 months from the date of injury. Student Tutorial Costs Reimburses up to 80% of costs incurred up to a maximum of $300 per week for home tuition by a qualified tutor if the Injury stops the Insured Person from going to their external tutor outside the home for up to 52 weeks with a 7 day excess period. Domestic Help Benefit Reimburses up to 80% of costs incurred up to a maximum of $300 per week for a recognised and licensed home help service if the Injury stops the Insured Person from usual and normal duties as a homemaker, sole provider for dependant children such as child-minding, cleaning, cooking, school pick up and drop offs for up to 52 weeks with a 7 day excess period. Broken Bones We will pay up to $5,000 any one accident. Cover only applies if the event occurs within twelve (12) calendar months of the date of Injury. Please refer to the policy wording and Certificate of Insurance for details of the cover provided and policy limits. Dental We will pay up to $5,000 any one accident. Cover only applies if the event occurs within twelve (12) calendar months of the date of Injury. Please refer to the policy wording and Certificate of Insurance for more details of the cover provided and policy limits. Loss of Income Weekly Benefit 100% of pre-Injury Salary, if prevented from working in your Occupation up to a maximum of $300 per week. The benefit period is 52 weeks and the excess is 7 days.
About Nautilus Marine Insurance › Ultimately we are striving to reduce a major annual cost that a yacht club incurs to improve each clubs bottom line result, including providing all AS members, key insurance benefits. › A Full time Underwriting team at Nautilus Marine are managing the program. › A full time Claims team at Nautilus Marine, supported by nationwide panel of expert loss adjusters, are managing losses that may come.
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