Newcastle Water Pollution Control Plant Expansion of the Newcastle Water Pollution Control Plant WEF Student Design Competition 2013
Contents Introduction Stage 3 Design Stage 3 Extras Conclusions Questions?
Who are we? Introduction Bradley Kyle Lockwood Robyn Thompson Free Water Resources Engineering Graduate Tanzeel Ahmed Environmental Engineering Graduate Kyle Lockwood Environmental Engineering Graduate Robyn Thompson Mechanical Engineering Graduate
The Objectives: Background Introduction An expansion is planned for the Durham Region Newcastle Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP), in the Municipality of Clarington, Newcastle, Ontario The expansion of the WPCP is planned in four stages, to ultimately increase the capacity to six times that of the current operating capacity University of Guelph The Objectives: Preliminary Design and layout for Newcastle WPCP for Stage 3 expansion including biosolids handling and energy recovery Conceptual layout for Newcastle WPCP expansion for Stage 4 expansion Clarington, Ontario
Stage 3 Design Population Analysis Stage 3 Design Based on previous growth data from the municipality of Clarington Stage 3 to be completed when Stage 2 average day capacity reaches 75% of ADF Peak Flow rates were estimated using the Harmon formula Expected service capacity according to population growth against time Population Analysis Selection of Processes The Layout and Design Receiving Station and Headworks Primary Clarification Secondary Treatment Tertiary Treatment Biosolid Handling and Treatment Stage 3 Completed: 2034
The Layout Stage 3 Design Office Building Secondary Clarifiers Dewatering Units Headworks Disinfection Chemical Storage Primary Clarifiers Cloth Filters Anaerobic Digesters Aeration Tanks Digester Gas Flaring CHP System
Receiving Station and Headworks Stage 3 Design Mechanically Cleaned bar screen installed Installed parallel to existing systems Increases existing treatment capacity Two additional aerated grit tanks installed Will be able to process Stage 3 flows of 39,300 m3/d Extra unit provided for redundancy and maintenance
Primary Clarification Stage 3 Design Circular Primary Clarification tank installed Existing clarifier tank will be modified during stage 3 installation as a circular tank Will eliminate maintenance issues of gross solids buildup in corners of existing square clarifiers Performed during stage 3 installation Will reduce BOD and TSS sufficiently for ADF and PDF
Secondary Treatment Stage 3 Design Two aeration tanks will be installed in parallel to existing tanks Aeration tanks will operate as a staged CAS process to allow operational flexibility First stage fitted with jet aeration and diffuser grid Second stage has diffuser grid installed Can perform nitrification-denitrification for alkalinity recovery Will be consistent with existing plant systems Stage 3 of system will have an operational MLSS of 3500 g/m3 Will have an SRT of 12 days to achieve nitrogen removal Two new secondary clarifiers will be installed in parallel to existing clarifiers Will have a recycle ratio of 50% Clarifiers are sized to treat the maximum daily flow of 39,300 m3/d
Tertiary Treatment Stage 3 Design Three Cloth Filtration Units (AquaDISK Tertiary Filtration system)installed TSS reduced below 5mg/L for ADF Will be able to process Stage 3 flows of 39,300 m3/d Extra unit provided for redundancy and maintenance UV system (Trojan UV3000Plus™) selected as best method eliminating current chlorine disinfection methods Current chlorine contact tank will act as a bypass channel Achieves desired monthly geometric mean density of 150cfu/100mL of Escherichia Coli Low Pressure/ High Intensity (LP/HI) lamps Horizontal Parallel to flow lamp configuration Automatic chemical/mechanical cleaning Weighted Gate Automated Level Controller Alum Addition Will reduce the influent phosphorus by over 85% Added at the aeration tank effluent Chosen because it was the most effective treatment for the lowest cost
Sludge and Biosolid Treatment Stage 3 Design ROTAMAT (HUBERTM) Screw Press dewatering system chosen 2 Dewatering units installed for Stage 3 Have a total dry solids throughout capacity of 280 kg Dry/h O/M costs are smaller than traditional centrifugal dewatering system Operates at <1.5 rpm screw rotation speed Requires <20 min/d of operator attention Produces 18 – 25% cake solids Processed Sludge Disposal On approved agricultural land site under the Durham Region Works Department’s Biosolids Management Program 2 Single stage high rate mesophilic anaerobic digesters installed parallel to Stage 2 Digesters Digesters will treat the wasted solids from the primary clarifier and the WAS from the secondary clarifier SRT of 20 days External pump recirculation mixing Biogas collection to for Combined Heat and Power (CHP) energy recovery
Extras CHP Energy Recovery The Extras The Captures the biogas produced from the Digesters and generate renewable energy Primary mover of the CHP system is 2 microturbines CHP Economic Feasibility Generate approximately $130,000/year in energy savings 11 Year Payback Period Dependent upon obtaining Electricity Contracts Fuel Gas Conditioning System will reduce H2S, CO2, PM extending the lifespan of the microturbines and reducing greenhouse gases Flare located southwest of the facility in case of CHP system failure The CHP Energy Recovery Life Cycle Impact Assessment Noise and Odour Control Hydraulic Profile Modelling Process Control and Instrumentation Construction Implementation Cost Analysis
Life Cycle Impact Assessment The Extras Compares the environmental impact of anaerobic digestion against lime stabilization for sludge treatment Pré developed SimaPro 7.0 software was used to conduct a comparative study Life Cycle Impact Results Lime stabilization is worse in every impact category Lime stabilization produces more sludge Anaerobic Digestion for sludge treatment is therefore the most environmentally sustainable solution
STOAT® Modelling The Extras WRc’s waste water modelling software BOD, TSS and NH3 was modelled within the simulation At an operational temperature of 10oC, the effluent objectives were well below target Parameter Proposed Effluent Objectives Simulated Mean Effluent BOD5 (10 mg/L) 10 mg/L 4.76 mg/L TSS (10 mg/L) 6.61 mg/L (Ammonia + Ammonium) Nitrogen* 9 mg/L 15 mg/L 0.49 mg/L *The simulated ammonia effluent is assumed to be representative of both ammonia and ammonium * Concentration listed are for summer and winter objective respectively Parameter Proposed Effluent Objectives Simulated Mean Effluent BOD5 (10 mg/L) 10 mg/L 4.76 mg/L TSS (10 mg/L) 6.61 mg/L (Ammonia + Ammonium) Nitrogen* 9 mg/L 15 mg/L 0.49 mg/L *The simulated ammonia effluent is assumed to be representative of both ammonia and ammonium * Concentration listed are for summer and winter objective respectively
Controls Process Control and Instrumentation The The Extras Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Provides operational ease by reducing monotonous tasks for operators Overall efficiency of the plant improved by maintaining steady state process The Controls Tertiary Treatment Flow monitoring and splitting Digesters Monitoring performance Controlling temperature, pressure, recirculation and feed rates CHP Monitoring and controlling flow rates and energy production Headworks and Clarifiers Monitoring and pumping control Aeration Basin Dissolved oxygen monitoring Aeration efficiency improvements of up to 50% Monitoring and Pumping
Hydraulic Profile The Extras Available Head of 4.0m E.L. 84.75m
Construction And Implementation The Extras Task Name Duration (months) 2033 2034 Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Construction Period 15 Mobilization and Erosion Control Systems 1 Site Preparation Concrete Placing, Formwork and Reinforcing Steel 4 Piping and Mechanical Equipment Installation 6 Support Facilities 2 Electrical Work, Instrumentation and Controls Landscaping and Final Clean-up Commissioning 3 Minimizing Environmental Impact Plant Design: 12 months Permits and Approvals: 12 months Tendering/Awards: 2 months Construction Period: 15 months Commissioning: 2 months The completion date of Stage 3 is established as year-end of 2034 Using current data in the population analysis Recommended that population growth trends are rechecked every 5 years In accordance with Local Municipalities, by-laws and MOE Standards Noise Control Dust Control Protection of Surface Water Erosion Control
111m The Problem Solution? Noise and Odour Control Problem: The Extras Development of surrounding residential area of great concern Adequate buffer areas around the facility Housing facilities with adequate noise depletion technology (for pumps, generators, etc.) All noise and odour sources will maintain the minimum separation distance of 100 meters in agreement to MOE odour and noise guidelines. The Problem 111m
$26,350,000.00 Total Capital Cost: Cost Analysis The Extras 9% 8% 19% 64%
$898,000.00 Annual Operation and Maintenance Cost: Cost Analysis The Extras Annual Operation and Maintenance Cost: $898,000.00 22% 6% 53% 4% 15%
$302,442 Annual Savings with the Proposed Solution: Sludge Disposal Cost Savings Annual Savings with the Proposed Solution: $302,442 Operational Function* Average Monthly Cost Average Annual Cost Stage 1&2 (from 2011 operational data) $ 9,388.54 $ 112,662.50 Stage 3 (anticipated operation within 2014) $ 28,038.90 $ 336,466.84 Stage 3 (anticipated operation within 2034) $ 2835.40 $ 34,024.85 *Calculations for disposal are performed on a historical basis that sludge costs $12.50 to haul to the Duffin Creek WPCP Operational Function* Average Monthly Cost Average Annual Cost Stage 1 (from 2011 operational data) $ 9,388.54 $ 112,662.50 Stage 2 (anticipated operation within 2014) $ 28,038.90 $ 336,466.84 Stage 3 (anticipated operation within 2034) $ 2835.40 $ 34,024.85 *Calculations for disposal are performed on a historical basis that sludge costs $12.50 to haul to the Duffin Creek WPCP Operational Function* Average Monthly Cost Average Annual Cost Stage 1 (from 2011 operational data) $ 9,388.54 $ 112,662.50 Stage 2 (anticipated operation within 2014) $ 28,038.90 $ 336,466.84 Stage 3 (anticipated operation within 2034) $ 2835.40 $ 34,024.85 *Calculations for disposal are performed on a historical basis that sludge costs $12.50 to haul to the Duffin Creek WPCP Operational Function* Average Monthly Cost Average Annual Cost Stage 1 (from 2011 operational data) $ 9,388.54 $ 112,662.50 Stage 2 (anticipated operation within 2014) $ 28,038.90 $ 336,466.84 Stage 3 (anticipated operation within 2034) $ 2835.40 $ 34,024.85 *Calculations for disposal are performed on a historical basis that sludge costs $12.50 to haul to the Duffin Creek WPCP
Stage 4 Layout The Extras Stage 3 Stage 1&2 Stage 4
Questions and… Conclusions Conclusion Recommendations Acknowledgements The proposed processes for Stage 3 include Additional headworks improvements 1 primary clarification tank 2 two-staged aeration tank 1 secondary clarification tank 3 cloth filters 1 UV disinfection unit 2 additional anaerobic digesters 2 screw press dewatering units Stage 3 is to be completed by year-end of 2034 present cost of $26.3 Million O/M of $0.9 Million annually Conclusions Further investigation should be conducted with respect to the integration of the microturbine CHP system for biogas handling Issues such as the availability of obtaining contracts from the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) and the Local Distribution Company (LDC) are of concern Green incentive grants should be assessed to determine possible alleviation of total capital cost and further evaluation of the systems feasibility Population growth trends are rechecked every 5 years to determine if the completion of Stage 3 construction schedule requires adjustment Obtain additional specific order costing information from manufacturers Hongde Zhou, Ph.D., P.Eng. – Faculty Advisor Professor of the School of Engineering – University of Guelph Miles MacCormack, P.Eng. – Consultant Advisor Project Manager – Stantec Inc. Rafiq Qutub, M.Eng., P.Eng. Subcommittee Chair, Student Design Competition – Water Environment Association of Ontario Kirill Cheiko, EIT. Water EIT – Stantec Inc. Yashar Esfandi, EIT. Inside Sale Representative – SPD Sales Limited Hussein Abdullah, Ph.D., P.Eng. – Director The School of Engineering – Guelph University Questions and… Conclusion Recommendations Acknowledgements Questions
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